The search

Without turning around, Renny's voice cut through her screams. "Where is Nora, Nora Roland?"

The lady stiffened for a moment before she gained confidence and replied, "I'm Nora!"

Renny sighed and turned around to face the lady, "Is it so difficult to answer simple questions? I asked you where you kept Nora Roland!"

At the sight of Renny, the lady fell on her butt in shock. M– Mr. R– Renny? One of the Triads?!

"Ai, don't be so mesmerized by my gorgeousness, I know I'm too handsome for you to handle, which is why you shouldn't let a handsome guy display a bit of madness. Where is that lady you stole her identity?" He asked with a cute smile on his lips.

"I– " What relationship does Nora have with the triads? Speaking of which, if Mr. Renny was here, then his friends must be here too. Moreover, the voice she heard in the auction house was different from Mr. Renny's.