Cornering the King

Aiden's arrival in Country M's capital city was met with strong disapproval. Before he and Ben could exit the airport, they were surrounded by the King's Special Knights in ash uniforms. Without resistance, Aiden was taken away.

In the van, Ben blamed Aiden in his heart for not disguising himself, which would have made their journey trouble-free.

After what seemed like forever, the van pulled to a stop and Den and Ben were brought out and taken into the gigantic and luxurious palace.

As the gallant men marched in front and behind with Den and Ben in the middle with handcuffs, their rhythmic heavy footfalls left a sight to behold.

The Special Knights are the best force in the palace, much stronger than the military. They are rarely used, unless to handle most dangerous criminals. Those guys are the heartbeat of the nation, the most envied and respected security forces.