Escape plans

Alexa and Nora had thought of different means to escape but none proved to be useful with their movements restrained. It's been hours and the two finally gave it a rest for another day.

The creaking sound of the door pulled their attention towards the entrance. Stepping in was Killiana with a bunch of keys. Alexa's face morphed into a scowl as thoughts raced through her mind. But with a closer look, Killiana came alone. As escape ideas brewed in her mind, Killiana suddenly uttered,

"Once you leave this room, head straight down until you get to a forked hallway. Take your left and maintain the lane until you get to a password gate– 19964480 is the code. Enter the digits and run as fast as your legs can carry you. Lady Mesh is entertaining friends. You have barely twenty minutes to run out of this place." As she said that, she began to unlock the chains.