Fast and furious

Aiden regretted not leaving anyone alive. As he drove out of the hospital, two black vans began to chase after them. As they entered the highway, the pursuers opened fire on Aiden's car.

"Fuck!" Aiden cursed and Alexa began to scream out of panic. She could hear the sound of bullets hitting their car, but the good thing was that the car was bulletproofed.

Aiden's eyes locked onto the rearview mirror, his gaze fixed on the cars tailing them, while stepping on the accelerator to shake them off. He managed to do that for a few minutes before the vans chasing them multiplied.

If it continues like this, they'd be killed before they know it.

"Alexa, take the wheel!" he shouted, already moving to the back seat.

Alexa's eyes widened in alarm, but she quickly grasped the situation and took control of the car. Aiden grabbed his gun and began firing at their pursuers, the sound of shattering glass and screeching tires filling the air.