District One

Haaaa….finally, I'm home and I slumped myself to bed without even cleaning myself up but checked on my cell if mom called and yes she did a couple of minutes ago. I texted her back and threw it on the floor. Anyway, cell phones nowadays are light and durable. We can hang them on invisible decks which pops up whenever we thought of having one and same goes with lap tops or computers. Multiverse are digital platform applications that has been going strong and useful in the year 5000. It is very popular nowadays that we can even use it to teleport to somewhere if we need to and can use the app to download cells and computers if we don't want to bring our own gadgets. It is like Face Time but better and eco-friendly. All Digibuses use solar power and cars nowadays can be parked like in clothing shops where they can be lifted up and held on to what we call a Hanger (which is literally like a car is hanged like clothes in a huge metal closet to position them distinctly in an organized manner). So issues on traffic or parking are avoided and I think was never again a problem in this age. There are no stores, restaurants or public establishments that has sales representatives or staff but all are self-managed where we just choose what we want to buy and pay whatever we owe using our cell phones or if not a Digipass where governments provide as money. For currencies are more lightweight, dependable, plus gold are more valuable than paper money now. 

Well, I missed Dolly, who was a cashier in that grocery store mom and I visited one thousand years ago. I think when Earth went to 5D, years are now faster, people age in years but don't look older. Ten thousand years is like one year, so maybe Earth has developed into a what we call Digital Age, that, we don't really grow old unless we get weak which is like a sickness but regardless of that, we have vitamins and food we can inject like a prick of a needle rather than take medications orally. Humans have evolved and we are all rich or living a rich life. When countries developed a Multiverse, the poor no longer are poor and uneducated people can be taught or can study courses online. All things can be bought and can be established online now so we don't need to worry about population explosion, poverty or debts, wars or climate change. 

But when you have experienced things as they were before, it's kind of boring and as if life is too easy now that there is no struggle or discomfort that can push you to grind or work hard. All is too easy and we don't need to work double time anymore to earn more and we don't need to exercise since we have injectables that can grow you muscles, fats or regenerate your body parts in a jiffy. Now you can also make your body thin or muscle toned whenever you like it and whichever you prefer. But with all these digital age improvements, mom and I stayed the same. We still eat out on our porch and drink coffee or tea under the moonlight. We read books which she kept for ages since books are not pretty common now. Besides, you can read stories, watch movies or listen to music online but still the feel of really singing to the beat while mom is playing the guitar makes it feel more human, alive and fun. So much for the advancements of this age, huh!

 I am what you call a normal kind of girl but the only thing that makes me unique is my ability to see a person's aura or vibe that is like a luminous digital frame where his or her obsession gets the most out of his or her character. Unlike a shadow that only comes out when it's dark or when the sun shines from afar, a digital aura is what you call a person's chakra. And this is kind of scary when you think about it!

 Good thing I was able to get away from them, that was close!....

Missy! You forgot to pay at the counter before you came in the bus!, hey, you!, a man called out to me when I realized I didn't swipe my bus card to pay and the AI driver smiled.

Ah….Rick, sorry! I was thinking about something, here you go, good sir!, Ericka said and smiled at the man who smirked and then added. Aha, maybe you're thinking about your boyfriend Miles huh!?, Rick cried and laughed hard like he wanted to pee from his pants, though he is a robot I'm not sure if he does do that, pee, I mean.

Crazy, whaaaaat? No way, he is just a good friend and that's all!, Ericka insisted and when the man kept on teasing her she threw her back pack at the guy and he even laughed more. Ericka was left grumbling at the back of Rick where he made her sit since he is her mom's best friend and classmate in high school. Rick was made by a popular AI science laboratory called Gateway and her mom Violet was a former scientist that when she was just a student Rick and her became very good friends. Rick had numerous jobs but since the Accident happened at one of Gateway's laboratory in Belvedere, our town in Digi-34 needed to shut down. So almost all AI's, humanoids (human robots) and punotao's (human trees) exist, live harmoniously together at Digi-One, our city center. 

Mom and I go to church and there will be priests and nuns who are robots too. Robots and humans have been living together just like how colored, gay, all types of religious, public and civic communities come together as one. So it's not an issue anymore. We all accept each other and that's what makes Digi-One one of a kind town. It's like Dubai in the 21st century where all types of people, religion and background are accepted, respected, and that's wonderful, right!

But there are some towns still discriminate and hate robots since the population in other countries such as Canada, China and other European nations which ruled one child policy or where the elderly are the only people populating them, instead of being extinct their governments decided to overrule policies and made more robots and or humanoids just to fill the gap and lost. Yet, some opposing parties, leaders and groups who hate robots are against the idea and been picketing just to stop AI assembles and productions. But the haters couldn't do anything since AI's are already all over the globe and it's okay. And Miles is my AI guy best friend who Rick is talking about earlier. Hmp! Hihi!