Ericka & Gang

I see the digital chakra of everyone who have strong desires and obsession towards another person or thing or whatever that make them fascinated or crazy about. But I don't see this with robots and humanoids since they don't have souls and they are machines. What about Miles you say? Well, he is a sweet and smart young man that I love totally but as my dear best guy friend along with my best girl pal Sarah. 

Hiyeeee!!!! Ericka…, when I answered my cellphone and Miles is on the other line. Uhm…you ass why call me now I am on the verge of dreaming about my favorite goth monstra Yan Yan. What's up?, I said scolding the feeling sorry Miles.

Ah, sorry, so I'll call back then!, Miles said.

Aha, I know you need something so spill the beans!, I added feeling pity for my friend.

Ah, well, Sarah and I are planning to watch a movie at Palladium, you want to come? It's later at eight. Besides tomorrow is a Saturday, we don't have classes, right?, Miles said happily.

Sure, okay, ah, I'll just take a nap in a jiffy and meet you there at quarter to eight, happy now? I can't stay up late since I have a job to attend to too (like most of the teens nowadays)!, I added but felt relieved deep inside. 

Okay, then, see yah, haha!, Miles cried almost wanting to cry in excitement.

 At Palladium. I saw Miles buying popcorn when Sarah ran towards him and hugged him. My pals, they are so cute together. Hmm, did Miles ask me just to be a third wheel again for their date? Haaaa…this is totally insane!, I thought but since these are my favorite people in the world, I agreed and still happy for our bonding time together.

HI, guys!, I said and kissed Sarah on the cheek then hugged Miles who is blushing hard as I accidentally kissed him on the cheek. 

Hey, I'm glad you and Sarah made it. I just want to say that I'm happy you accepted my invitation and I want to tell you the good news, that I signed up for Digi-One Aviation Course, and passed the initials. I am now a student of the Flight DOGS (Digi-One Gamma Slashers). Haha!!!, Miles said.

Oh, my God, Miles, we're so happy for you!, Sarah replied and hugged him. I smiled but thought of how aviators nowadays are sent to wars in the Wet and Dry lands which fight and destroy dangerous monsters or unknown earth viruses that turned vicious and flesh eating many soldiers die and didn't come back home. I think we already have one hundred thousand flighters (flying fighters) who disappeared or worse lost their limbs because of their highest paid and sought for profession as Flight DOGS. Haaa…I am happy for Miles but I just couldn't take my mind off the worry, what if?, I smiled at Miles and hugged him. 

I know that look Ericka, if you are worried about me, don't be, I can take care of myself now. You'll see. We are not children anymore and I will prove to you that I am more capable of handling myself and those filthy monsters, so rest assured that I will come back home for you and Sarah!, Miles said and I hugged him again but now tighter. I don't think that he will make it unless I am there with him to protect him. I love my friends and though I am a good Barista, I love war games and killing monsters is my specialty. But I don't really know if my special ability could help the aviators but I want to try and put it to good use which way possible, I thought and decided to check on DOGS Academy the next day and tried to sign up for the course. I got accepted right away and when I checked on the systems they use it's almost the same as the simulators I usually play with and this is making life more interesting and exciting for me. Miles didn't know I will be joining him for the eight months training. And this is going to be a hell of a game in real life, fighting, killing monsters, here we go!