Filthy Rich

Ahh…wow! Ericka, this friend of yours is mad rich. And she's so cute too, like a princess in a fairytale story!, Prise said with eyes falling out of her sockets feasting on the beautiful and grand mansion.

Yeah, you bet on it! But why did she bring me here anyway?, I thought. I walked and checked on the mansion while Prise is appreciating the maids suits and they are talking to her about the food and the desert. I smiled and moved to open the glass doors where the veranda is located. I love flowers and gardens. I miss Belvedere so much because of this.

You miss your old home, huh?, Ren said that startled me since she caught me off guard and about to kick her from behind. Haa…you bitch, don't ever do that again! Yeah, so much that I always ask mom if we can visit it again this Christmas. But we are heading out to the Wet Lands right, so go figure!, I added and sat on the ground then laid my back to feel and smell that grass.


Ren moved closer and laid beside me. Do you think we will survive in there? In the Wet Lands, I mean?

Well, nothing is certain but we need to work together to survive. There were many Flighters and Skims (Human on Robot suits) that died and a few like a dozen of them survived. But this didn't stop them to fight again and again, I assured Ren.

Hihi! You're so invested into this that you get flustered and excited when you talk about the DOGS, it's so cute, ah her…., Ren whispered.

What did you say, Ren?

Ah, I said you are brave Ericka and I want to be part of the team more than ever because I trust you will protect me too, in case things get rough or difficult. I will promise to protect you too and those who need it, because you taught me how to care without asking for anything in return but kindness. Thank you, really, from the bottom of my heart!, Ren looked at me and extended her hand to shake it.

Yes, I guess we are friends now?, I cried shyly.

Yes, indeed! Comrade Ericka! What is your last name by the way?

Armac, Ericka Armac….!, I said with a smile.

Armac? Is that Armac Industries where Herman Armac is the owner?, Ren added and stood to help me get up from the ground.

Yes, you know my dad? Mom and him got divorced ten years ago and he remarried but I don't know what exactly happened. But from what mom says he helps me with my education and all, and we see each other just to catch up with lost times. He's okay I guess! Why do you ask?, I replied brushing off dirt from my pants and now helping Ren brush some dried leaves off her skirt too.

Ah, it's nothing. But let's go, the food will turn cold if we won't hurry, hihi!, Ren said and ran back to the mansion. Okay, wait for me!, hihi! Yes good food here we come!, Ericka added.

I was looking for you guys, where did you go?, Prise said meeting us halfway. Thanks for inviting me Ren, your home is awesome!

Thank you but let's go and eat, you can meet my dad, I think he's here. Usually we eat together during dinners, Ren said smiling sweetly.

While walking to the dining area, one maid moved to Ren and whispered something to her ear. Ren then turned around and looked at me with sad eyes, trying to hide her disappointment. This time, I see the true Rene who is a cry baby, sweet and vulnerable when it comes to her dad. I'm sorry but dad couldn't make it, he needs to meet up with clients, so let's eat before our meal gets cold. Medi please heat up our dinner and we'll be there in five, okay!

Yes, ma'am!

When we arrived at the dining room, which is twice as big as my apartment or maybe more, we saw a buffet of food, starting off from sweet and sour fish, stew, chicken soup maybe and bread.

I didn't know what you liked so I tried to get some of what I think both of you would love to eat at dinner. Well, let's eat and talk about whatever we want to talk about, hihi!, Ren said happily. She doesn't seem to mind that her dad missed dinner but I know he has important things to do. But what is more valuable, his daughter or his business?, I kept on thinking while enjoying the meal Ren prepared for us.

Prise asked to be excused as she went to the ladies room. I stayed and accompanied Ren to the sitting room and drank tea with her.

Ren, if you don't mind me asking, what happened to your dad that he couldn't make it to dinner?

Yeah, well, I do mind but anyway, it's usual that he misses dinner or important events in my life. Yet I always believe he needed to do what he needed to do for us and my future. I sometimes hate it and didn't like how dad treat me, just like mom, that's why she left us with another man, Ren said casually.

Ah, I see, sorry to have asked you that? But I know he is a smart and sensible man, because you turned out fine and beautiful!, I added and smiled at Ren who turned to me with tears on