We are Family

Thanks Ericka, I know he means well. I am happy that I got to know you and spent my night with you!, Ren said getting emotional and held my hand to place it in her heart.

Ah….guys, I need to roll. I have a shift tomorrow! Thanks again for the meal, it was magical!, Prise said and was about to leave when Ren stopped her. Why not let our driver take you both home. See you at the academy Ericka! Till then, goodnight!

 Ericka and Prise both nodded smiling at the continued luck they have been getting today. Ren was left standing outside her mansion doorstep waving goodbye at us.

Hi, ahr….here is our address! I started to tick the holoscreen on the driver's GPS board for our coordinates then the car agreed now trying to locate the place and confirmed them. I am Vlad and Miss Ren's driver. I apologize that I didn't introduce myself the last time we met at the street a couple of days ago, Miss?

Oh, that's okay Vlad, yes, I'm Ericka, and this is my co-worker Prise. Thank you for driving us home. Ren shouldn't have, we can just rent a taxi home!, I added.

No, it's my pleasure to accompany you, Miss, ah Ericka!, Vlad said.

Vlad, is Ren okay, I mean with her dad always away on businesses?, I asked concerned about Ren.

Ah, well, I have been with Miss Ren for years now and it's seldom, Sir Renaldo eats dinner at home. He usually misses it and wouldn't come home for days or weeks if he's on business trips. It's sad but Miss Ren seemed not to mind. Yet I have been with her since she was a little girl and I know she hates being alone and helpless. I stood as her guardian and that time when she ran away, she was so sad because her dad forgot about her birthday. And meeting you was her happiest day, she told me that you made her birthday special, Vlad added. Her father made up for her birthday and gave her a new car. Yet, Miss Ren didn't like it so I sent it to your house instead and now it's yours, Ericka!

Huh, what, the f*ck! That's why she was smirking when I gave her money back, and now this! Ahh…Ren, Ren, Ren!, I thought shocked at her gift.

And Miss Ren said that if you won't accept the car she will not become your friend anymore!, Vlad smiling sneakily.

Aha, that cunning bitch!, I thought again and since I had no choice but to accept. Okay, tell her that I accept and please thank her for me, Vlad. But better yet, I have a better idea. Okay here's my stop. Thanks and take care of Prise for me, sir!

Prise still speechless with what Vlad said when I closed her mouth since it's been like that for minutes. G'd Night, Prise!

Haha, so Miss Prise….miss? ah…!, Vlad now talking to my co-worker who is still shocked and kept on looking at me and Vlad.

Haaa….that bitch, outsmarted me, again. And this time, I wouldn't be able to refuse. Her birthday huh! Poor girl! Aha, right!, I thought and decided to throw a simple but cool party for Ren. I asked mom's help. Sarah agreed but Miles is still MIA, so I just sent a message on his cell then prepared for the special day for Ren.

Mom insisted to celebrate Ren's birthday at her house and we decorated the backyard. I bought cake, pizza, chicken, fries and other food that I didn't think she has eaten all her life. Then, mom made margarita, and bought sodas since Ren is just 17 years, and still can't drink alcohol.

Hey, are you ready?, I asked Ren when I told her that I'll be driving her to the ball game I asked her to be with since my friends couldn't make it.

Aha, because they couldn't make it, I'm your best option now. That is so mean Ericka. You should've asked me first or something or maybe lied about the idea that they matter to you more than I am, huhu!!!!, Ren acting like a baby now which means my plan is working.

Shush…I'm grateful for you for the car and thanks for coming with me! So, let's go!, I said and gave a laugh.

At the backyard where the party is about to start. Mom, Prise, Sarah and Vlad, Medi and some of the maids at Galatea residence, are already prepared. I tried to contact Sir Renaldo but his line was always on wait and or voicemail mode, so I just hope he received my holomail to him about her daughter's special day. When Ren and I arrived, the birthday girl couldn't contain her happiness that she cried until she is already cutting the cake. Ren is so happy and kept looking at me with sparkling eyes. I am glad she is happy and it is a proud feeling making someone else cry of happiness, it's a life changing experience for me. Maybe I am starting to mature and Ren taught me to grow up fast and it's very rewarding.

We are already in the middle of the celebration when a flying object known as heliship (helicopter and ship combo) stopped and blinded us with its head lights.

Baby, it's daddy, and I'm sorry I missed your birthday but I won't miss this one for the world, a familiar voice of a man hurried down using a roboskims (robot suit) which can fly up, down and fight like Ironman's suit but lighter like a body fit armor. We can now make those since it's the new age after all.

Sir Renaldo?!, Vlad and the maids said crying out his name. They are so glad that he made it to his daughter's birthday celebration.

Dad???, Ren called out and ran towards the man and hugged him crying. I thought you have forgotten.