D.O.G.S. 2

Ahh, yeah, see you two around!, Miles said and just turned his back from the girls. Maybe she found her more appealing than I am. Why am I so boring and insecure? Haa…Miles, Ericka is still the same happy, sweet girl you have known ever since we were little, I'm sure she still cares for you no matter what!, Miles thought and scratched his head thinking that Ericka might have replaced him with Ren who is somebody rich, pretty and cute unlike him, a robot and ahhh! 

Hurry up, boi! Why are you still standing there? Scratching your head like a teenage loser! chop-chop!, Lloyd said clapping his hands and then flagging his arm to make it quick. They are about to head out and do ground checks.

The DOGS are the government's weapon against enemy soldiers, countries or creatures that lurk in the Wet and Dry Lands. It's been a decade since the academy started launching Flighters and Soldiers to protect the districts of the country and the world. Nations from the north, west, east and south have met and talked about the issues concerning the BT's and VC's of that continuously spreading in every corners of the world. Since USN (Universal Summit of Nations) have extended their reach from Earth to the Galaxies surrounding Milky Way, we no longer can ignore the fact that we are part of the universe and we are all connected to it somehow why we can live in the exo-planets or other galaxies, worlds or realms in multi-verse and endless time and space. 

Usually it would take an hour or two to complete it since they need to be on RoboSkims and like Ironman, they need to make sure that (BT's) bacteriums and (VC's) viral creatures won't penetrate the walls and the cities first and foremost, Digital-One District (District of DG-1).

Haaa….I still can't figure out how to talk to Ericka. It's been weeks and it's unlike me to ignore her…., Miles thought while walking with Lloyd and Jax outside the walls of DG-1 and now entering the scathing marshes which are surrounded by barb wires which can electrocute anyone or any creature to pieces, pulverizing them to dust after. And it's not always a pretty sight, in fact, it's a morbid and scary at first but when you get used to the experience. It doesn't bother the DOGS anymore. But not me!, Miles thought and was about to puke when Jax mentioned on the teleprompter that we can't take off the iron skims since we won't be able to breathe the air outside with all the dirt, pollution and lack of clean oxygen. I might as well swallow the sweet and sour pork and rise I ate this lunch time. Yuck! I thought and gulped the vomit back which made me even sicker but pulled a candy which I always have on my pocket to lose the stingy taste. Where was I again!? Yeah, Ericka….

Hey, Boi, look out, from your left!!!!, Lloyd shouted at me which I can hear like ten times louder than usual since we have an ear piece to contact each other in case of emergencies and for communication. And this time it is indeed an emergency.