
Haaa…yup, thanks! I immediately dodged away from some kind of green slimes which a viral creature spitted and the sputum that fell on dried barks melted in an acidic form and it smelled like rotting human meat. My puke seemed to return and I pushed a button to cover my head with a full mask along with covering my RoboSkims with bubble wrap to protect me from the acidic sputum. Jax have congratulated me and I smiled with her appreciation. It was her first to give me some morale boost since she killed my pride and confidence during the trainings and it was hell of a program. I really wanted to quit in the middle of the trainings, but she insisted on making me her apprentice to know the privilege, secrets and powers of being one of the DOGS.

F*ck what's that?, Lloyd shouted on my ear and maybe Jax's as well when a hideous beast like came right in front of him. It looks like a black and grey invisible cloud that produces a sticky sound like when you try to mush a mallow and melt it into the fire. Then, it swerved to look at me and Jax who is about to run towards me and Lloyd.


Ah…huh….it speaks!, Lloyd said and looked at me and Jax. We are all shocked by this and couldn't believe it would talk and plead like that.

What did he say? Was he asking for our help?, Jax said and then moved a couple of feet away from the beast. Are you talking to us? What can we do to help you?

Ahhh…..I have been so hungry and since the forests are destroyed I don't have anything to eat. It's been weeks that I haven't tasted…humans….can I gobble and munch one of your comrades? Hehehehehahahahaah….

Ah…is that so?.....Jax said her ears and eyes turned red with anger. Nope, you can't and I would have to kill you if you touch one of my men here!!!! You filthy scathe of a bacteria, you!!!!!

Jax, hold on, I think that beast is ….., Lloyd trying to stop Jax from making a mistake.

A regenerative viral slime….it won't be killed unless through fire or excessive heat!!!!, yes, Miles and Lloyd cried together.

Jax is trying her best to destroy and cut it into half or fourths but it kept growing parts, then the DOG realized that she maybe acted impulsively and stopped at her charges.

Yeah, my bad! So Lloyd, so your thing, I'm kind of tired now haha!!!!, Jax said and flew away up above the sky then hit a button to create a dome which covers the slime alone.

My pleasure, kind lady! Here we go!, Lloyd said and pulled his hand which appeared a torch that blew off fire like that of fire fighters that instead of water it gave off blazing furious fire that kept ablaze and pulverized the slime into dust.

I just wanted to eat and is it bad for me to ask that?, the slime said and like human tears flew from its eyes that became visible when water like tears came out of it's upper part body.

I'm sorry that it has to be this way. Rest well and Sayonara!, Jax uttered and closed her eyes feeling bad about the situation and the beast. She knows that she can't do anything but let it die than be used as experiment or die inhumanely since scientists at the DOGS Academy is connected to laboratories all over the world that experiments on beasts, bacteria and viruses which is useful and effective in protecting the world and the universe from extinction. Which is a crap to me. I think these geniuses are being used by the business and executive sectors of our districts and the world for personal gains and not much of the safety and health of humanity. It's a shame but always been the issue and root cause of our continued strife and destruction. When can this be over? I wonder!, Jax thought as Lloyd extinguishes the slime who in turn shouted in pain even in its last breath.

Miles seemed confused and felt sorry for the beast. Why did he feel that way anyway? They are monsters who eat and kill people but why is it that this beast asked their help. That's odd. I need to ask the higher ups about this, later, maybe. Or maybe Jax can shed light on the matter when she is not busy?

People in the latter times like year 2023 always worry about the weather and spikes of viruses such as pneumonia or influenza but we didn't realize that those are just normal symptoms and diseases which have been plaguing the world for decades. Even in the ancient eras we battle these sicknesses that until this day, 30,000 years after, we are still on the verge of finding solutions to issues that just reverted back to the olden days which is just "normal" illnesses during those times. And now since we have androids, humanoids and AI's, we seldom have sicknesses that affect them or humans, that maybe it was a good idea collecting and placing these bacteriums and viruses on areas which we can isolate, control and restrain them.

We may have done the impossible and may have resolved climate change crises well today than before. Wet and Dry Lands are areas where these creatures have been sent and imprisoned. We call this "V-AsylUm" or Virus Asylum Unit Main. DRY (Degenerative Rampant Yomis or "scary unusual things") is the area where it is deserted and the creatures that have been sent here are those who are sentenced to die on excessive heat and fire. Then on WET (Waste Earthen Tangibles), the area where creatures of all types that can be seen or touched and generate quickly are plunged on gasoline and or destroyed through some kind of acid called CHLOR (combo of high consistency chlorox and muriatic acetylene acid) Haaa..well, we have studied about these liquids that are deadly and can be dangerous to humans too when inhaled or accidentally drank or touch their skins. So we always take precautions using them even with our comrades in practice or real battle.