Becoming a Flighter

Sometimes there are humans affected by these viruses that when scathed and the thing penetrated or overpower the beings physical body, affected humans turn into walking zombies or as if the bacteria try to eat the flesh which this type of illness was called in the olden days as Cancer. Now, it's more prevalent and advanced that all humans, young, adult or elderly and humanoids are advised to strictly follow health protocols. We always have regular check-ups and clinics are everywhere which are free for everyone to take advantage of since local heads on respective districts made it a point to take the health of their people a priority. There are also food and fruit stands on all districts that anyone can get food from. Stubs are no longer given but we all have cards like ATM's that we can swipe when we get hungry or need food anywhere we are in the world. Governments spend gazillions of money to secure these essentials since we all use coins and paper money are hardly seen or spent unless you are a foreigner or a person who lives on far off lands or districts like DG-500 or more.

It is sort of a deserted city where people no longer wanted to live or have migrated to other cities which they can survive or get food, homes and jobs from. 3 ADW (after decades world) or thousands of years after earth though it's living and revolving for trillions of years before we arrived and lived on it. We don't really know how old is the world, but what we do know is that it is still livable until now and making improvements on science, technology or our physical bodies have been the leaders top priority. And this has been the quest for DOGS and other organizations that team up with us to help and save the people and the world, universe from those that plague or destroy it. But who is really the enemy, are these the bacteria, viruses or just the evil humans that are led by greed and lust for power. Now I no longer believe that the devil or demons are behind these destruction but humans that have cold and ambitious hearts and minds that keep on wanting more out of the world or our of humanities fickleness and frailties. But I can't say that humanity is weak now that we have humanoids and people who have special abilities inherited from the Buddhist monks, skeptics, sorcerers and immortals such as vampires, wolves or mythical creatures that are no longer a myth but a living witness to truth of angels and super humans alike.

Haa… so much for humans. We are about to go to class and I am still sleepy? Ahhh, wahhhh!, Ren thought while Ericka is holding her hand to run to their first class in the mornings, Introduction to Flighters Course. Huh! Sweet!, we are about twenty or less than that in class. Haaa… Miles?, Ericka's friend is cute. Anyway, I have eyes for Ericka and Miles won't even cut it as a boyfriend since he is just an android and no better than a real human I'm pretty sure pf that!, Ren still thinking about the course they are about to take.

Now, please let me introduce you to our assistant instructor for this course, AA-rank Miles. He is just a couple of months old in this field of expertise but he is well equip and one of the top students in Jax's class then, Miles!

Thank you Bea, our student council head, you are most kind! I am not that good in speeches but I will try my best to teach you guys the basics and important skills to have as a Flighter. So, let's get to know each other now that I have all of you here! I am Miles and I specialize in target shooting and blind target shots. I am one of the newest DOGS Flighters. Please state your name and your specialty or skill so we can improve on them in the future!

I can't imagine Miles would be our instructor. I didn't see him as the type to teach or boss people around. I guess he did change, a lot! When he was in front of the class, our class, his eyes didn't even flinch or his words falter. He is a different Miles, a better, nope, great, mentor friend of mine. And that made me feel so proud of him and our friendship, I thought and when Miles is still talking he kind of glanced at her and winked.

I looked from side to side and was caught off guarded. I think I blushed when that happened. You creep! I'm going to kill you, you wait and see!

Yes Ericka, is there anything else you would like to add on our topic?, Miles said and everybody looked at me.

Ah, no, sir. Everything is fine. Thanks. Just that, you are a good teacher, after all!, I added and kind of lost myself and applaud him in the end. Ren looked at me bewildered why I said the words. Miles smiled and thanked me. Then continued with his topic about Bacteriums and their types.

Haha! That's embarrassing!, I said and stopped my whining and listened to Miles intently since this topic is very important as a Flighter.

I didn't know that there will be freshman party. Ren and I were invited but we didn't really plan on going since we only knew Miles and no one else from the class. Ren and I were about to leave when Miles begged us when he ran like a mad dog just to catch up and join them to the party.

Hey, you guys, don't be a kill joy! I'll introduce you to the team and some of the guys I hang out with the DOGS! It's going to be fun, you'll see!, Miles said. Ren and I just looked at each other and smiled then went with him. Miles is still a nice and wholesome guy. That's why I liked to hang out with him even when we were little. He never made a fuss about anyone or anything. As if everything and everyone is alright for him. He is that kind of guy who is likable and appreciates anything. I never heard him complain because maybe he had experience a lot of setbacks and hardships growing up and I kind of saw it all too, why I always root for him whatever he plans on joining something or risking his life for a goal or what!

It's like in grade school. His face lights up when he's excited and makes a face when upset. He's so cute, hihi!

 Ericka are you okay?, Ren said and I just giggled. Miles is always like this so pardon his persistence!

It's alright, he is a good guy after all!, Ren added and ran along with Miles and I to the party. We are just about a couple of meters away from the venue which is at the back of the academy grounds, we can already hear the banging and deafening electronic dance music. Ahhh, it's amazing with all the lights and fireworks! Wow!