Chosen Ones

You are not allowed to go to that school or whatever you call that nonsense of a game!, a tall, strong man standing in front of a teen ager said firmly. He was wearing a 'thawb' and speaking in Arabic and English at the same time that kind of annoyed the boy he's talking to. 

Akhmed, ant Ahmaqu, ayuha al'amir 'an tandama 'iilaa majmueat min al'ashkhas alwadieayn" (you are foolish, a prince to join a bunch of low lives)…hal tamzah maei!", the man said angrily at the boy. Don't cry running back to me and your…..

His what, mommy?, I am so fed up with you thinking that I am just one of your wives and someone who can't even state my side of opinion. Your highness, my King, my husband and partner in the kingdom. Our son needs a father, someone he can talk to build his confidence in many things he's going to be facing in his life as a teenager and as your successor in the future. How can he learn to be independent, brave and strong if you won't trust him with this tiny feat he wants to succeed in. It's not 'just' a school after all. Here he can learn so much from especially in defending his kingdom, his people in the long run! Don't you think it's a mature move on his part, trying to do everything to make you proud. And this time he didn't need your opinion nor your advice. He is a grown boy and I'm sure he will be the best in his craft just like his own father! So, lidhalik lataqlaq eaziz! (so, don't worry honey!).

Maybe you are right, Warada! Maybe I'm just overthinking Haa….., the king added and looked at his wife lovingly and smiling at her.

You can babble all you want father and yes I am a prince but I believe I am capable of succeeding in becoming one of the DOGS' best Flighters! I will do this, with or without your permission! You are wrong! I know I will make a good, no, great flighter! You'll see, once I graduate the academy, I know I will be one of their best beast killer there is in the field. You'll see! Hmp!, Akhmed thought while a young teenage girl is secretly checking up on him from a distance. 

She was holding her chest trying not to cry because in her mind, she won't be seeing her crush and childhood friend anymore if he goes to this school. I will do everything in my power to stop him once and for all! This time maybe I need to join him there. Why not! I am one of if not the best of the best pilot here in Dubai. So….yes! I will sign up for this DOGS, ahh…DOGS, does that mean that I will become an animal to be considered as one of them. That's kind of filthy and crazy! Me a princess becoming an animal, and the worst is becoming a dog??….yuck!

Princess Izumi Takayashi?, what are you doing here? Good evening. What are you doing here by the way?, Prince Akhmed cried running to meet her half way outside of the palace.

Ah…well, I have a good news for you Akhmed!, Izumi replied biting her point finger nail and gave a cute smile while in her white and gold Yukata.

At the hotel where a fashion show is about to start for the New York Festival….

One, two, three…good, walk proudly but not so much that your audience get to see you are overconfident. Just slide and walk like you mean it, own it and make my suits and clothing shine like they are made for you. Be that top model, the star they want to look up to…chop chop!, a middle aged guy or let's say gay shouted and reprimanded every model that walked on the platform for the rehearsals.

Oh, my, oh, my! My favorite model, Hailey, my hot and beautiful baby! How come I haven't seen you in the competition? Lately, you've been MIA and an NS for the red carpet in the Gala Night. Hmmm….uh, ah, uh! Don't overdo it, girl. You might end up in the ghettos' underground walkers than the top ranking companies leading the modeling circle in this century? Watch out!

Hmm….you watch out for the Next Top Model of America! Momma Juni-chi, I'm always sliving and vibing so no worries! I love you and thanks for pitching in some of my girls out there! They needed the job so I gladly gave way for their sake! Besides I got a scholarship for the DOGS so, better find a new model for you to spoil and baby soon! Hihi!, Hailey added but Juni hugged the girl and cried that he won't be able to find a girl as stunning and talented as her. Why do you need to join that freaking academy when you have graduated from the NYC modeling school here with flying colors!? Uhhhh….you crazy brat! I don't know what's going on right up there to understand where you're coming from!, Juni added patting Hailey's head then laughing like he is teasing the girl.

Junichi, it's different. This is for the country. Being one of the representatives for the school as a Flighter can save our people from those monsters, maybe even the world! Awwe, I will miss you too, mommy!!!, Hailey added and hugged the man as well.

Then, In a music theater in South Korea.

Yogi, museum il-iya? (Yogi, what's wrong?) Hogsi konseoteu ttaaemun-e ginjangdoesyeossnayo? Geuleoji maseyo. Dangsin-I go-eum-eseo eiseuga dose geniago hwagsinhaeyo hehe! (Maybe you are nervous about the concert? Don't be I'm sure you'll ace the high notes, hehe!) You always do!, a young man said while both are up on stage singing a song.

Haa! I know that. It's just that I need to fulfill my father's wish to join and be one of this DOGS academy's Flighter. I don't know what to expect but…Budamseuleobgin hajiman hal su isdaneun geol al-ayo. Buseuteumaen-ege gamsadeulibnida! (It's weighing me down but I know I can do it. Thanks for the boost, man!) Boom, when I get to be a Flighter, write a song for me or maybe our team, for a change? Okei! Haha!, Yogi said and did a fist bump with his band mate. 

Okei! Got yah! I always got your back and support you on this. I'm rooting for your success. Congrats buddy!, Boom putting his thumbs up then smiled at Yogi. He will surely miss his partner in crimes and his best friend in the boy group called FY1 (FuYo1).