Travellers of Universes (TOV/GLASS)

We found that there are thousands of aquatic plants that release oxygen and they are hornwort, eelgrass, green cocomba, red ludwigia and anacharis, etc. So our smart people used these plants to oxygenate the seas so cities would survive under water and it has been like that ever since. I have a friend in Tokyo and her name is Shima. She had been living under sea for fifteen years now and her parents are working in a scientific laboratory in one of the governments VRS and BTS facilities containing polluted plants and microorganisms to develop and convert them into oxygenated plants to help the world in the production of clean air not only under water but above sea level and the skies.

Trees and plants are living things that produce oxygen in its highest form, so it's been decades when we finally realized that we can really help the world in changing its climate crises to a better and renewed earth. I never wanted to volunteer for Project Andromeda but since Kaori insisted, I, Aoi Tamasaki decided to join the scientific research of ACOM (Acamara Orbit Millenia) It is the first in so many projects that would study and use all our research for Earth, Andromeda and other galaxies since the higher ups want us to experiment if people can survive other galaxies by the use of these plants and microorganisms. I don't know how to do that but that has been our goal for five years now and there's still no clear surety that using plants can really help travellers of the universe to survive other galaxies. And that is one hell of a bummer on our part as scientists and researchers.

Hey, Aoi, what are you doing? Boss is trying to contact you, where is your brain taking you this time?, Kaori said and now laughing at me. Haaa….Andromeda…why are you here I thought you're at the conference? What happened?, I replied while typing some of my conclusion son the use of plants especially algae in the mix of potions, capsules that we will be using or let's just say medicating our astronauts or TOVs (travellers of universe). Haaa…yeah well you're lying, you're a good liar, you know that?, Kaori said and took her pen to write something on her data sheet then typed on her computer this time.

Well, you're not wrong about that, liar, part. But what did they say about the TOVs, would they try to use the algae we experimented on a couple of months ago?, I think it's still early to say if it's going to work!, I added and looked at Kaori.

Well, we can't stop them if they wished to make their TOVs heroes of this civilization, martyrs. Yet we just need to be optimistic about our research and hope that it would turn out a success this time!, Kaori suggested and pulled the microorganisms on the icy revolving canisters which are dozens of them inside a whole room or storage not far from our tables and research laboratory.

How was the family reunion?, Kaori said while typing her notes on the see-through computer in front of her. Well, it was great, we got to see my relatives and those who came from Jupiter, haha it was amazing. We ate all types of sea foods and slept in a hotel. Just as what I imagined when I travelled through "Light Train" (a bullet train faster than it and rides through light and power of lightning). Wow! That's indeed awesome! I wish I can ride that train, they said it's so fast you can't feel the thud or sound of the vehicle just the goose bumps of how its speed gushes through you yet exhilarates in a fashionable sense, heeh!

Well said dear, it's true and I really want to ride it again, if not for the ticket prices that skyrockets during holiday seasons I could buy one for you in a jiffy, haha!, Aoi added laughing.