
 Haley, stoppp…..what are you doing?, a young man's voice reaching the girl when she was about to jump the bridge of DG36 district called B-Link, since it's a linking bridge between DG35 and DG36. Don't you dare come near me Bryle, you don't understand me?

How can I if you won't talk to me…hey girl, I understand you perfectly. I have been watching you since you were seven. A prodigy, beautiful, smart, a model who knows her craft. You have been topping the magazines and spotlight for two decades and been in the cover for Vogue many times I could remember. I did that mag for just twice, you, for forever! Girl, my Haley, please listen to me. I heard that an academy is enlisting for DOGS in DG1, maybe, just maybe this is the one thing you have been waiting for to forgive yourself in that incident a long time ago with Daria! It wasn't your fault honey! She chose her own path and the car trampling through a rubble is an accident where you didn't have any control of. Honey, please, come down and try the DOGS, I know it will be worth it when find out whether this team could help you forget if not fight for Daria's maybe it was a bacterium which killed her, really!, Bryle said and reached out for Hayley's hand. She looked at the man and was about to reach for his hand when a strong wind came and made her out of focus and balance. Hayley almost fell off the bridge's edge. But Bryle is quick and ran up to her catching her both arms then immediately pulled the girl close to hug and calm her down. Hayley sobbed and wrapped her arms around Bryle, she didn't want to die and is so thankful for her best friend pulling her from the trap of guilt and disappointment.

I was driving with some friends including Daria from an after party since we were guests for a modeling gig in New York. We were drunk and was having a good time when Myers called out to me since he was telling me stories about his one night stands while driving . The streets of New York was lighted but there were no sign of cars anywhere when a truck came in. It was still far from us, but I feel something is wrong. I usually drive on the Sky Streets and not off grounds. Yet now we wanted to feel the earth one more time but I think it was a mistake and the drunken driver smashed his front in the middle of our car. Daria was fast asleep and she was the only one who wasn't aware that we were on an accident. She died on the spot, me, Myers and Tuck survived with minor injuries. I couldn't forgive myself for being un attentive that time. I wish I could turn back time and save Daria. I wished I was the one who died since she was the most popular model then and others believed I did that to steal the spotlight. But little did the media and her fans know, Daria wanted to resign from our management and wanted to leave show business all-together. I talked her out of it since she still has a lot of talent to share the world. But maybe I was wrong to make her stay and killed her in the process. I am a sour loser, a bad friend and a jealous coward….

No, stop saying that to yourself Hayley! You are a good person and I know she is happy where she is now. It was an accident. It wasn't your fault. It was never your fault. I love you and I believe you only wanted what's best for her…Bryle added. That night Daria passed, she handed me a letter after the party and said to read it at home. She told me everything she wanted to do and wanted to achieve out of the modeling industry. She said she wanted to enlist with the DOGS, to fight for the country and the world, far more over, the universe. I almost forgot, she is a selfless person and wouldn't hate me for anything I did or would do. I miss her so much and I want her to see me living my dreams and hers as a DOG Flighter. Why, I changed my mind, not jumping off the bridge? Instead of killing myself why not join the army and there let others kill me….right!

You really do have a death wish, that's so like you! Why is that people nowadays love dying…huhu! You're so weird but beautiful, my friend! I will miss you!, Bryle said and hugged me, while still on top of Sky bridge (street) with the wind brushing us with soft, mesmerizing unseen caresses. I will miss you Loca!, Bryle breathing calm now. Hihihi!, I giggled.

After Ren and I made out I couldn't look her in the eyes and it is so weird because I like her a lot, but not like what we have done together. It was amazing, the sex, I mean but I don't know it doesn't feel right, yet I felt happy inside. I just can't figure out what's wrong with me so I kind of dropped Ren's calls and tried to avoid her as much as possible. We haven't been talking for a week now and I think Ren got hurt when I deliberately avoided her gaze when she smiled and wanted to say hi to me before class. Her mood changed and mived to sit close with an unknown classmate. He was definitely happy about it, but Ren looked at him and gave him a snob.