Ava & Absalom

Yep, but it's okay, as long as I get to see you, my lovely girlfriend!, Kimiko said. Aha, who says I'm your girl, I haven't accepted your proposal and I still want to travel across other universes just like dad and mom before marriage!, Dunea added smiling but her facial expression turned sad thinking about her parents.

Yes, I know, sorry to hear that. You can crash at my place with dad, he is your professor too right. He would be so happy to care for you. Just up until your parents get back from space!, Kimiko cried holding my hand to help me get to the edge of a rock to see a moon. I think it's earth's moon, it's too little but due to the collision between the galaxies Earth seemed so near yet still far from my grasp, Dunea thought and buried her face on Kimiko's chest. I know you miss them already, aren't you coming to their send-off party, ah right this minute! Come on, we will miss it and I know you won't miss it for the world even if yours wanted to crumble!, haha!, Kimiko said and held my hand to his then went running to the Galaxon Fleet that will stay in Aurea to pave way for Filia and Exodom Fleets outgoing explorations in the outer skirts of the other universes.

Dad and mom are important people in Aurea or (Sufi) which is what humans call our planet. How do they party or do they celebrate events like this too? Mom who is dubbed Coronel Ava, Head Commanding Officer of Filia and Star Fleet which I always sub for since I can go on explorations by myself with only Lofi with me, is a strict and perfectionist commanding officer but a caring mother. I never crouch nor space-out when she's around because if I did, I would be left hanging upside down outside the ship's hangar for days. She always say that leaving one's guard down is like letting the enemy hurt or kill you freely or allowing one's self to be reckless. In other words, it is like telling strangers or enemies that you are weak and absurd, is what she actually meant by that. Well, that's mom, alright! But I know I am not weak nor dull. I am just me and loves every planet, system, galaxy and universe there is to explore and study. It's like feasting my eyes on the beauty and splendor of all those amazing colors which the stars and universes create from afar.

But I didn't know that I would find the most valuable creature on Earth and that is a human being, breathing and limited. I never thought that I can be this so excited to travel through space just to meet humans. Kimiko is hesitant since he lived on earth for a decade and he knows that it is dangerous there. He recalls the time when TOV's (travellers of the Universe) went AWOL since countries from the west and south waged war against the east and north. But Tokyo stayed neutral and Majarlica didn't send their soldiers to fight against Russo and Hongkong. Now, I don't think Aurea understand it but when my mother sent Star Fleet who I commanded five years ago, I ended up going back since the warp systems didn't seem to connect to Milky Way and Earth is so far, I could have died just trying to work my way out of their navigation systems.

Time Warp is definitely what makes travelling through space easier and consistent. Any miscalculations would have serious repercussions and side effects on our bodies and has surmountable risks like death or pulverization. We are still living matters and without gravity, we can just float and disappear in space not knowing where it will lead us or send us to. Haaa….I know I shouldn't meddle with earth's issues but I am getting more and more enthusiastic about it why I wanted to travel there. I volunteered to do a fleet for half to one year which is maybe about a couple of days on earth but months and years on space. Though in Aurea (Sufi) we don't age yearly is because we have longer time and age doesn't seem to be so important in space.

We grow old little by little and it's amazing. I still look the same unlike Kimiko when he went home to Tokyo at 10 years old. When he came back here he is still the same age but counting until 15 years. Just adding five years, when he visited his family and friends on Earth, some already got married and some got older. By a matter of years it's like the same day or month in space but already a couple of months and or years to Earth. Weird but still wonderful!, Dunea said while looking at Milky Way. She can't see Earth but only their sun which is a tiny dot in a vast space and it's pretty nostalgic.

Hmm….I will soon explore your beauty Earth. Wait for me, okay! As if she can go anywhere else, unless orbiting through their star called sun changes, but not in a million years I guess! It's so quiet up here and Andromeda Galaxy is peaceful nowadays. Since there are no enemies lurking outside Aurea, we seem to have maintained the peace and upheld the unity among the Universal Fleets which sometimes get intercepted on Milky Way's Fleets and Air Ships. I heard they have TOV's, UASA, NASA and USN. Well, I have learned about these organizations already and it's just an itsy-bitsy thing of information to me. I want to learn more about the people on Earth and maybe if there are life forms in other planets aside from Earth I can also explore them too. Lofi, you are with me on this, right!?, Dunea said.

Of course Commander, but Coronel/ Head Commanding Officer Ava would disagree and…..

I know that, but I am an explorer too so who can stop me anyway when they are about to launch to outer space right this minute…., Dunea added.

Will you not see them off since it'll take months when they come back from this voyage?, Lofi replied.