
Yeah, you're right, shoot!, Dunea realized and ran towards the docks. The hangar opened. Filia Fleet moved out. Dunea can see her mom ay the center of the main station. She waved at her and thought that maybe she could see her this time. Then another ship went out, Exodom Fleet headed by her dad General Absalom, he saw Dunea and smiled at her. He shouted something but couldn't understand him, so she deciphered his mouth through her power goggles. He said….take care and enjoy your fleet! See you soon, baby!

Dad, huhu…you are so cute and I love you too! Yes, see you!, Dunea thought crying.

Galaxon needed to stay put to check, protect and guard Aurea. It is headed by Mr. Yamamoto who is Sub General for my dad, Absalom. We don't usually call him General since he doesn't want to be called that way. He said he is human and for him positions and endearments are just human beings way of bragging. They are now living with Aurean's and not with Humans. I love him for that and now, what should I do?, Dunea said.

Dunea, you're not answering your monitor so I needed to do this. Where do you think you're going lady?, Yamamoto said. Ah…well, sir I'm just checking on a galaxy and it's amazing how one planet is full of life forms. I really wish to explore it, if you would allow me to…to….

Aha, I knew it. Dunea, your mom and dad left you to me and I wouldn't want you scouting other planets carelessly. If ever something happens to your mom and dad's fleet, you will….

I will be the one to command Galaxona and other fleets then lead Aurea. Sir, I know this already but before anything else, dad and mom will come back. And I will help explore Earth so we can find answers to our solar storms and dangerous light waves that kept on destroying our main frames and distorting our climates. I know we have our moons to support us but for how long? Sir please let me do this, just this one time?, Dunea added and turned off her monitor while Mr. Yamamoto is still about to give her a reply.

That girl is something….haaaa. Absalom, if not for my respects and adoration for you, I would spank this girl and send her off to station 11, Yamamoto giggled.

Station 11….open hangars…charge our photons, protons and plutoniums. What the???? What are you doing? Leave the hangar and turn on this part. You moron? You'll kill us all!, one guy scolded a girl officer. Sorry sir! Yes, immediately!

Commander Fabian, incoming call for you!, another girl added while pushing buttons from left to right.

Be in the right position. Turn on photon energy and accelerate until we recharge all of our generators. We need this for Aurea's storms. Lightning and sand are always finding their way towards Galaxon. So we need to help them exterminate sands and fires, Commander Fabian added.

Ah Yamamoto, why are you calling me in the middle of a Storm?, Commander Fabian said.

Yes, Commander, forgive me since I needed to check on my son Kimiko. How about sending him with Dunea off to Earth? Haha….

Are you crazy? Earth is a worthless and dangerous place, you want them to die or become lad rats there?, Commander Fabian cried laughing.

Ah…I know you'd say that! But Absalom asked me to ask you, so, what do you think?, Yamamoto cried.

Hmm… I'll think about it! Dunea is a bright and strong girl she can take care of herself but unlike your son,…hmm but, he is good in engineering and tackling light sources so maybe they can be a good team!, Commander Fabian said. Anyway, I'll resolve my issue here for now and call you back for my evaluations on both of our soldiers.

Thanks, really, Yamamoto added.

For what?, Commander Fabian replied.

For listening to me, I kind of miss this, my friend!, Yamamoto said and was gone.

Yup, me too, brother!, Commander Fabian thought. Okay, where did the lights come from? Ladies, what are you doing? Come on, fire up the ignitions, turn on the machines (tractors that send waves to distract and reduce storm signals to lessen their destructive fangs while hitting Aurea's icy mountains), turn on the shields, don't let the storms land on Aurea. Geesshhhh! Girls panic easily, not so different with soldier boys but I guess their better in handling themselves and resolving conflicts or issues! Why I wanted girls as my assistants, Fabian thought. Huh! Come on….faster! There you go!! Right….Perfect!