
 Ava and Absalom met when they were just children as their folks were former commanders of Galaxon and Exellion Fleets during centuries when wars are imminent. Though Aureans are considered aliens from another galaxy and planet, humans are avoided by our kind. Since Mr. Yamamoto told us about how humans treat aliens in their planet, we were really scared of them and made a rule that if ever we needed to navigate Earth, we must take precautions and never travel there on our own accord unless it is ordered or for research. In my case I really preferred going to Earth than any other planet in Andromeda because it is the farthest that I wanted to go from here on.

Why? Maybe because I wanted to run, run away from a responsibility or a decree, that as the daughter of the head commanders in the highest ranking fleets in Aurea, I don't have a choice but accept it for it's been bestowed upon me even at the time of my birth. Boy or girl I will inherit my parents responsibilities and duties. So much for the accolades but it's not all boring or strict schedules, meetings but fun too since I get to go wherever I want to, to explore and stay there as long as I am required to advice my planet about my explorations every once in a while. Records of my travels and explorations are always documented and we are the best creatures to have state of the art gadgets and technology to be able to know, create and mimic every scientific and technological advancements known to Aureans.

Just like the Egyptians who knew about perfect measurements to build architectures and unimaginable structures, Aureans build, manufacture and produce ions that build power, energy sources and machines with our own hands, minerals from our moons and other planets or galaxies we acquire from. We have managed to build solar system units all over Andromeda's planets. Andromeda is not the only galaxy among galaxies since it is just one of the billions of galaxies and universes. It is one of so many to count it's impossible to do with even with thousands of lifetimes or more.

 As a kid dad and mom were always busy with work and leading Aurea, its navigation fleets that I literally play with the officers and station staffs all my life. Galaxon Fleet Head Commander Gala Leon is the Chief Council of Aurea. She is the eldest among the council officers but still beautiful which others mostly men call her their Golden Maiden. Golden since she is hundreds of years old and isn't afraid to die fighting against the alien forces in the past. She is one of the most decorated soldier and General, second to my dad, to get a Gold Medal of Valor which she wore as a ring. Each ring a warrior wears signifies his or her rank, class and position in the council or fleet. The rings can be worn on their fingers, necks and ears. So, it is usual for a commander to have several or more rings they wear as necklaces, earrings of rings.

I have two silver earrings on my left ear and one on the right. I have several ones on my left fingers and one gold medal ring of valor on the right ring finger. I wore it there to remind me that being a commander is already an honor and given highest respects or priority, more than finding a husband or partner in life. We value family but more on bravery and achievements as explorers. We are a world oozing with gifts as scientists, engineers and explorers. Making the Galaxon and Exellion Fleets as my playground had always been a treat for me. As I laugh my heart out while the stations staff and commanders spoil me, happy and content with a packet of biscuit on my left hand and a 'Axalon wagyu' jerky (huge animal that is equivalent to an elephant but looks like a turtle with no shell) on my right, they would all hide on the comforters when dad or mom scold them for their carelessness when I'm around. I thought I can never have so much fun with work but when they did those many times whenever I visit or train inside the ships, it always bring me to tears. I am the happiest when I play with them. They never treat me as the daughter of the Leaders of Aurea but just the kid that is studying navigation and exploration with them.

Haa…those were the days I miss the most. Some staff had already gone to other galaxies and others have started their own families that they needed to resign or ask the council to get reposted somewhere else since they didn't want to be far from their love ones while working for the fleets.

But I heard rumors that the council either punished or posted staff so far from Aurea or other galaxies since they found fault or just plain ignorant or jealous of the gifts or talents the officers and assistants possessed. They thought that if they rid of the gifted they can reign supreme forever. But dad found out about their malicious intentions and ordered some council members or heads banished or executed. It was sad and those where the darkest times in the history of Aurea that dad and mom didn't want to repeat doing why they ordered for the council to be headed by elders chosen by Gala and dad or mom. They also held voting sessions among the members and the citizens of Aurea to get them involved in the process and to lend us a hand in choosing rightful and dignified leaders for Aurea kingdom.

Jax and Menace shared the night together at a motel. Menace is lighting a cigarette that when his DOGS lighter didn't emit fire to light it, Jax flicked hers and lit her loves cigarette.

Both are naked, but didn't flinch or winked since they are already accustomed to being together even in sexual intercourses. Jax and Menace are literally inseparable that their connection is tight or close to the hip as they are childhood sweethearts.