Ice Princess

I have been called the translucent princess of Aurea (Sufi) because of the fact that my hair is soft blue, everything even my eyelashes are blue. Though I am not a gloomy person I am the opposite of sad and always been bubbly since I can remember. But beautiful as I am, I feel lost in a way that I haven't fallen in love with anybody. I love Kimiko but he is my childhood friend since I was five years old. I was called Dunea since my mom and dad loved a movie called Dune they were able to watch on Earth when they visited there like hundred of years ago. As I have said before, we age slowly and if in earth's time it's hundred years, it's just a couple of months on our end. So, I would say that the actors of Dune might have been dead or long gone even as we speak.

30000 years ago has gone but Earth remained the same, same as Aurea (Sufi) which still has our moons Du, Fi and Rin. Our planet kept its end of the bargain that if we continue to revolve around our star Anub we will have the moons help and it's been millions of years since the first time Aurea accepted the deal with, and that's okay. I'm really excited to travel across universes to check out this planet called earth. Haa….and the verdict deciding if Kimiko and I will be granted to travel there is still on hold. What is keeping the council this long to decide whether I travel on earth or not? Ahhh…the wait is torture! I can't take this anymore!, Dunea thought and jumped out of bed. She ticked a button and opened her windows. The metal railings turned up and presented her yellow and orange hues of view of the starset. Anub is hotter than earth's Sun but it is pickle which its hotness changes in time that sometimes cold season takes a toll longer than summer, then spring, wet and dry seasons would neutralize things so that Aurea would have dessert, solar and lightning storms. It's pretty messed up but since we have been living here for centuries now we are quite accustomed to the crazy climates of the planet and continue to endure every challenge it presents us every day. It's sometimes tiring but fun at the same time.

Haaa…..I love Aurea but I need to help our research team on how to best equip our people in times when drastic changes appear in front of us in the future. I as the daughter of the commanding leaders of this planet need to do something or else my parents explorations through deep space and universes will go in vain, Dunea thought taking a deep breath and then tried to lye on her bed. I love starsets a lot and this keep me sane and fall asleep, thinking that there is still a possibility that we can resolve Aurea's life long issues.

Dunea is about to sleep when her receiver rang. Hello, oh, hi, Kimiko, yeah, aha…really? Ah wait, Uncle Fabian….whaaaaatttt???? Then, we're in deep trouble. There goes our chances to travel earth. Haa...!!!! But did Commander Gala accepted the proposal? Uhuh! Uhuh! Haaa…alright. Then, we'll just wait and see! Thanks, Kimiko. Goodnight!, Dunea said and ticked the receiver and laid on her bed again feeling disappointed and angry. Uncle Fabian? Hmm…I think Mr. Yamamoto is behind this. But I guess dad would have asked him for help since he's away for a couple of months. Okay, you can do this Dunea. Tomorrow is the big day for evaluations and debate on the pros and cons of our travels to Earth. What is the purpose for the explorations and will it bring good to our planet and its existence in the future? That being said, are some of the hardest questions that I will need to answer tomorrow! Good luck to me then!

Well, here goes whatever!, Dunea said stepping inside the Aurea Council Movement (ACM), the sum of learned and elders who comprises as the whole deciding body responsible for all fleets and the budget they place for each proposal. Even though I am just sixteen years old I have travelled numerous times that I already know the drill and how everything goes. Initially I knew what I needed to do but sometimes the elders of the council are keen and cunning that I get to sweat answering unbelievable questions which are appropriate but sometimes highly impossible that would happen in my travels. Anyway, I have answered their questions perfectly and though I will be assisted by Kimiko, the council thought it best to travel with Kara, a systems engineer, operator and classmate of mine in Star Fleet expeditions when we were in high school. I love her and maybe it's best to keep my hands off Lofi since she can self-medicate and heal, my ship is definitely alive and well to keep up with my expeditions even only having me with her on flight. I accepted the council's terms and set to travel after the solar storm that is headed at Galaxon district this month. We need to have fleets commanders to help out in keeping the docks, barriers and borders safe and protected from natural calamity dangers.

Aurea and its 500 cities or districts are composed of humans and semi-beings, meaning beings that lived for centuries and had their families here or anywhere in other planets in Andromeda. Some also came from Earth but there are only few of them, yet used Aurea as their breeding and feeding grounds for their offsprings or what earth calls children in their language.

I am a pure Aurean and can multiply only by giving off my DNA to anyone, be it a girl or boy. However, here we can impregnate girls or women though boys or men aren't essential for that, we have systems, medications and facilities that can create ovums, eggs and typically have babies without moms. Or if with mothers then they need to rear their offspring or child through hard labor and processes. Some parents would rather sign for child rearing or caring with the governments or councils assistance than be bothered by expenses or hardships caring for their own children. But once the council steps in with the responsibility, they will own the child until she or he grows and be independent like me. At sixteen I can already travel and since I am equal to a girl aged twenty six on earth. Yes, I am old enough to do whatever I want and what's best for our planet….

Aurea has 22,000 citizens and each has their own task to do whether it be for science, technology, nature, climate, education, engineering, arts, music, literature, etc. All has individual capabilities and we trust each other to do our parts accordingly. Mistakes are hardly taken lightly but not overlooked. Among the thousands, children consist of 3,000 and all of them are already on training schools for either navigation of projects that entail them to be confident, strong and wise or knowledgeable commanders for Aurea. We are a united planet. Our fleets are very important to us and it is the life and fuel of our world to stay alive and strong as it is now and always.