My Dune

 What is out there, I wonder? Since I can remember, Saturn, Jupiter or Pluto have been the closest that we have travelled and stayed to for hundreds of years and it's been good. But the idea of travelling Andromeda Galaxy and staying at a nearby planet our ships can reach would be plain suicide. As I checked it all out with Aoi with Sir Dan as the head of the research team on Andromeda Project, there's a 50/50 chance of survival for the TOVs who would venture in this navigation experiment. No one has reached Andromeda just an astro dog named Coco. He was phenomenal but the news spread that he didn't come back from the ship that supposed to bring him back along with the footage of what really happened during his travels across two galaxies. Haaa…I guess this means that whoever is chosen to board Messiah 2000 would definitely need a lot of prayers, luck and positivity to overcome what awaits them, Ericka thought who didn't bother to change her uniform and slept.

I read a book called the Bible and it's been preserved by the International Museum since dilapidated by time. Historical facts of the past and future were documented there or let's just say written by authors who followed Jesus, the so called savior and Son of God who is believed to be the most powerful being who chose to become man and suffered from the hands of men to save the world. It was told by St. Paul to the Corinthians that once we are given a new body and soul we will no longer die. And that in Jesus' coming, every dead will rise up and be brought with him in heaven. Although for many centuries, people have waited and patiently practiced his words and lived righteous, this written promise has yet to come. Until now that our ancestors have passed and we no longer need to prolong life since living in space can alter old age, we already know that the predictions were indeed true. It's not because Jesus came again but that the Messiah 2000 rover ship using gazillions of protons and new aged technology, we were able to prolong human life and existence no longer requires medicines or magic potions to extend a person's life just with the help of the universe and the natural course of life living in space.

I am an Aurean and yet I feel like I'm the most human of all the citizens of our planet and of Earth. Though I haven't seen nor lived there, I felt a strong connection with earth. It is like my second home I guess, and I can't wait to experience the marvelous things dad and mom told me about the human's world ever since I was little and when we needed to stay there for a couple of years. And it was due to Aurea's excessive climate changes which they found really dangerous and scary during the time.

Dad found a solution to divert and convert solar and lightning storms so that Aurea could use it as power source and for scientific, technology purposes. And the experiments that has been finalized and proved to be successful have been very useful to us from then on until the present. Thanks to explorations that we are able to find ways and practices to make Aurea a inhabitable and nice place to live in today, Dunea thought and tried to wake up since it's been a month since the council's decision for her to take Kara as her sub commander for Star Fleet. Lofi is very excited and not to mention Kimiko, though he isn't one of the staff chosen with me to travel to Earth. I was still thankful that the council agreed and approved my expedition otherwise I would have gone AWOL just to go back to the world I always found interesting and amazing since the first time I saw it in the skies, though just a tiny dot among the other planets closer to it than Aurea.

Since Andromeda collided to Milky Way, the collision wasn't destructive but smooth and beautiful. Now as if both galaxies share the same patterns looking like an infinity but unimaginably let's their planets move according to their own solar systems. It's magical and impossible but maybe the gods have destined for it to happen to make explorations and distance shorten a bit so beings from different planets and galaxies can travel on each world and or universes. So much for speculations and assumptions. I have no proof on that theory but maybe I would be able to unlock the universe's secret and publish a book with it, haha! Anyway I need to get a hold of myself and get ready for the travel. I need to pick up some stuff for the journey and Kimiko will be helping me to purchase things in the councils fleet merchandising office. Got to hurry or Kimiko would scold me from being late, again!, Dunea said and wore her most comfortable clothes of sports suit and gears. Let's just say that Aurean's really didn't have fancy clothes other than our uniforms, climate gears and sports outfits. Our world has different and crazy weathers as I've mentioned before so we can't afford to get sick or die just because we chose a light cloth or beaming outfit for show or just to brag of it.