Dune's Past

While I dreamt about Earth and the fun I knew to experience or was it real when I saw visions of a girl I am about to meet just like the time when I met her when I was still a little child? I thought of the times when Exellion Fleet still stood beside Galaxon. Exellion was unfortunately blown into pieces when invasions appeared from nowhere and we were caught off guarded when alien powerhouse ship destroyed our dear Exellion. Xerxians are domineering and a powerful enemy of Aurea. They didn't want Aurea to self-govern and wanted to be under their rule why we needed to join USN (Universal Summit of Nations (Planets). Yet, even if we joined the organization, King Xerxia bullied us and wanted to take control of our military enforcements that dad had no choice but to make war and it didn't end well why Exellion blew up when I was five seven years old.

King Xerxia used an automated ship and piloted it through AI like Lofi and ordered it to crash at Exellion and the ship not only destroyed the fleet I loved but killed a hundred of our staff and some friend of mine who are attending to dad and the ships systems and power controls. Exellion was the largest and mightiest ship of Aurea matching Galaxon but it fell and dad realized that even the most invincible machines can fall with a blink of an eye because of selfish and malicious people like King Xerxia.

 I still smell the hot pot that Nana Millie cooks every mornings and feel the smiles or happy vibes of the men and women who I laughed, play and trained with even at the age of five and so on. Haaa….I have been crying over them since I can remember and now that I'm older I need to control myself and though my heart cries for the people we lost those times, I mourn but celebrate their lives when we were together and hope to see them in the future on the far heavens of Eternity.

It's time Commander!, Kara said and now we are inside the Star Fleet ship about to take off from Aurea hangar. Systems on and ready to go!, Dunea shouted.

Systems on and ready to go, Lofi, direct the panels and turn on ships manual controls!, Kara said and Lofi answered the same instructions Kara cried. She is repeating every order and Dunea is smiling so much, Kara couldn't help but look and admire her personality.

Thanks Kara, but let's proceed to the scale and check on pressure, climate and routes! Check where we need to position for the warp and how long would it take to do that while we are inside it!, Dunea advised.

Lofi please give me the updates on our journey from here on to the other galaxy named Milky Way!, Yes Kara and Commander, it will take about two hours from Aurea to Andromeda galaxy borders and as far as I can see here, it is safe to travel inside the warp for that long, for now! So far we are in perfect condition and temperatures to view the stars and colorful skies of the galaxy. Thus entering Milky Way on an infinity mix, we will be experiencing some turbulence but it will just be a couple of minutes and we will still have a smooth travel towards the planet called earth. A couple of hours before that happens, we will be seeing and meeting planets Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter and some small planets as well, Lofi added.

Good, after the first warp let's make another loop and try to skip meeting other planets after Jupiter for we need to save our fuels and powers before your self-healing conversions. We don't know if Earth has enough protons and ions to help us with our journey back. Anyway, that's all. Let's do this and happy travels, haha!, Dunea said and laughed.

Yes Commander and happy travels!, Lofi said and Kara turns on systems operations and checked on all perimeters as they take off.

Kimiko is looking at Star Fleet Ship and it's the most beautiful among the ships they have in Aurea. It is sturdy, strong, pretty, since the color is silver, grey and gold. It always appear shining when it's flying in the sky and now he will see the beauty of it once more along with his pretty girl friend who seems oblivious that he is waving goodbye at her from below.

Hmm…she is always this cold, but deep in her heart I know she'll miss me!, Kimiko thought and smiles. See you soon babe!

Achoo!.....Dunea sneezes, huh, that Kimiko surely is annoying. What, me, your girlfriend what the hell are you talking about, we're just friends and don't call be babe, ever again!, Dunea thought and as if Kimiko read her mind and got the chills so he immediately went inside Galaxon and attended to his dad Mr. Yamamoto.

Time travelling and machines or elevators that automatically bring you to your designated destination hasn't been proven but since Gateway Laboratory has proof that their scientists and travellers have indeed seen and lived on different planets and or stars and exo-planets. UASA, NASA and USN made a law on time and universal travels. That whoever and whenever a person travels it will be manned and supported by the organization and their mother land, kingdom, planet or nation. Everyone has the right to travel if they wanted or needed to and it's a decree that even aliens supported or mandated themselves and their citizens. Though we aren't sure about other galaxies or universes aside from ours and Milky Way, it became our principle and utmost rule which all travellers human or not respects for many centuries until now.

Humans have machines to use for travel but I think it only takes them as far as Saturn and some scientists or astronauts were able to land on Pluto but soon died since it is extremely cold there and that part of the universe. Pluto is usually a planet of extreme weathers. No one can ever survive there even if we have the facilities just like in Aurea to handle the climate issue that plagues its lands and atmospheres. We just can't survive or even waste power or fuel (protons) for a planet which is difficult to predict or handle altogether.