Blue Girl

Ericka, Miles, and Ren along with the gang decided to picnic outside DG-1 district to relax after the rigid and tiring class and physical trainings students and instructors did for the whole month. Jax advised all instructors to familiarize themselves of the districts and have fun while they're at it. So, the group planned to head to the beach for a picnic like an outing. It was at random so all were perplexed but excited then bought stuff at a nearby store for bikinis and food for the outing. It'll definitely be fun and I can't wait to see the outskirts of DG-1. I haven't seen the beach Miles was talking about so I couldn't sleep the whole night wondering what a beach would look like in reality.

So this is it? Wowwwwwwwww…..awesome!, Ericka said star-struck with the idea in her head about beaches but it's nothing compared to the real one. It's even more beautiful and ….huh!!!!, Ericka said but stopping when she saw a girl with blue hair and like a painting along with the blue waters engulfing her feelings of surprise, fascination and beauty. Ah…what the hell? Who is that girl?

Commander, we are now at DG-1's beach called Majica. It is said to have natural waters and great for surfing. It is quiet and beautiful isn't it?, Lofi said in Dunea's earphone. Are we ready to move forward commander Dunea?, Kara seconded. No, I think I will stay here, just make sure that no one even Earth's labs to know we're here. Make sure we appear invisible and leave out of here the same as we have arrived, untraceable. It's good they knew that we are just a meteor for we are indeed aliens from Aurea. Okay, I'll try to walk around a bit and return while you're regenerating and self-healing, Dunea ordered. Okay, commander! Enjoy!, Kara added. It'll not take too long since Lofi is in good shape. The journey wasn't as half as bad as when she had a tuning last week or let's say when she nd had some serious chat with Mobius of Galaxon Ship hehe!

Aha…so that's why she was ove the moons that time. I'm happy for you Lofi since you were able to talk with your crush!, Dunea added and giggled a bit. No, Kara is just messing with you. Commander it's just a chat about our journey and nothing more though it was a pleasant talk while he was being overhauled hihi!, Lofi chuckled.

Haha…it's okay Lofi I hear you. Huh!, ah…, Dunea stopped talking when a girl about about her age ran and stood over a distance. She is beaming like the stars and the sun of this earth. Prettyyyyy..., Dunea said and didn't wink when she observed what this girl is going to do next.

Wow…this is fabulous! Hey guys I will just wet my feet a bit. See you later!...hihi!!!

Ericka, where do you think you're going? Come on, Miles have been looking for you!, Ren shouted. Haaa.. alright then. Thanks…, Ericka added and ran towards another girl.

Ericka huh! What a beautiful name, indeed!, Dunea thought and watched how the girl played in the water and then looked at where she is standing. Dunea suddenly disappeared and turned her invisibility mode on.

Ahh…I thought I saw somebody out there. I guess I was just day dreaming, again!, Ericka added and about to leave but since sensing someone watching her everymove from afar she glanced back and smiled.

Huh, did she see me? What the heck! I am like invisible, how can she see me?, Dunea said.

The fact Ericka has a special ability and that is to see glimmers and auras of human vibes she can clearly see Dunea in invisible mode. I can see you, so, please talk to me next time okay!, Ericka thought trying to check whether the person can hear her and true enough, the blue girl spoke and apologized. Yes, see you next time then!, Dunea added. Weird but pretty, very pretty, indeed.

I heard that, you are lovely too!, Ericka replied though she is already gone and maybe went in at a certain hotel near the beach. I can definitely sense her and why is it that she can hear me too. Aha..I think she is some kind of an alien or a life form from another planet, maybe, who knows!?, Dunea cried and couldn't sleep in her suite at Star Fleet ship still thinking of the strange girl she met earlier at the beach.

I love poetry, stories and historical accounts but when the WGA had a strike year 2023 and other organizations concerning writers or composers, it struck me that Earth has an interesting and weird way to resolve their issues. In Aurea (Sufi) we tend to pass a rule or law and when the decree has passed and approved by the council this can be a good resort to change or rewrite certain odd or unuseful or even unfavorable solution among the peoples, than going on strikes or wars.

But I guess this really made it clear that humans has democracy and freedom of speech. In Aurea we have that too but staff or low ranking citizens are silent when being criticized or reprimanded, thus no one defies the ruler or leader most especially the Head Commanding Chief or Officer like my dad. We aren't allowed to voice out our concerns unless in an audience of the council and resolutions are done through votes and pass every solution through proofs and proven records or documents of innocence or purchase or progressive impact not only for oneself but for others as well. We get by like that and it's a good practice than behaving unruly, reckless or defiant.

Well, I am on Earth now and not in Aurea so I think I can relax like I'm on vacation and perhaps a little work and documentations would suffice my stay here. They do have nice beaches and lovely people to feast on. I don't want to waste the fabulous view and just like what the girl said, talking with someone is good too, hihi!, Dunea thought and sighed deeply.