
Kara, Lofi I will just take a walk, see you later for our meeting. I want to check something (or someone). I'll be back in a bit!, Dunea said and was already gone.

Huh, Commander, I….want to…come…too…hiiii…yahhh! And she's gone! Haaaa….Commander is such so unpredictable!, Kara cried. She is, why I love her so much!, Lofi replied while Kara is smirking for missing the opportunity to be with her boss.

I'll be back in a jiffy, need to check on the view. See yah!, Ericka said running out of the door at the beach house they were staying for the week. It is actually owned by Ren's family. Ren's malicious gaze followed Ericka, her girlfriend as she zoomed out of the door like she's so excited to see something or maybe someone. Ren is getting more and more suspicious since Ericka didn't want anyone to accompany her. Hayley, Akhmed, Yogi and Miles are busy with their own games and drinking sprees, as I was left alone just playing along with them. It's kind of boring now and I wonder what's that more important than her friends and girlfriend at Majica Beach. It was called Majica because that beach is indeed magical. Aliens are said to appear there and numerous times dad and his friends would catch huge and weird fishes or creatures out the coast of Majica, it's unbelievable. I have seen some of their catch and just by looking at them made my stomach turn yet whenever I taste and eat the sea creatures, they are always sumptuous. I miss those times when dad is just a typical father and not the famous and feared business tycoon as he is now.

Ericka ran towards the rocks called 'Batohan', located at the other end of the beach. The rocks are huge and uneven but I'm aware and used to these dangerous terrains or parts of DG-1 hills and waters. As a child who grew up on rocky mountains and steep, zigzag roads, nothing can scare or bother me anymore. I sat on the biggest rock and on top of it you'll find a ledge which the end tip is stuck to the rock. The width of it extends as if hanging thus the edge is sticking out but without anything or rock to support it underneath. It's indeed magic. I love spending my sunrises and sunsets here since the view is amazing. I can see almost everything, from the beach up to the homes on the ground, then the sky and the vast space where Milky Way and Andromeda are like a planet and a whirlpool joined together, so when attached or combined, it looked like Saturn and it's sooo cool!!!

What an entrance! Do you think that I won't sense you? Ms. Blue Girl?, Ericka whispered. Dunea almost fell since she never thought the girl she met yesterday would even sense or know she's just around the corner. In fact, she is standing upside down the ledge that is about five inches thick, and 250 centimeters long.

Ahh, you got me! I thought you won't know that I have been watching you (since with my eyes I can see through glass, rock or metal frames however thick they are). My name is Dunea! And you are?

Yup, nice to meet you Dunea! I don't want to give it yet not until you talk to me here! Come up and I want you to see something magical. Hurry!, Ericka said and stood up looking at the sun.

Dunea walked upside down at the bottom of the ledge and when she finally appeared in front of Ericka, the girl smiled and her cheeks turned red. I am Ericka and this is my world! Look! The sun is about to set, come here!

Dunea smiled and moved beside Ericka. She is excited to see what this sun is about to do. Nice to meet you Ericka!

The Sun sets and the hues of red, orange, yellow and gold flashed gallantly in front of Dunea's eyes that she couldn't believe how wonderful Earth's star, Sun, is. The fact that she is with a new cute and smart friend named Ericka, she can't hold her tears thinking that she is the happiest girl in the universe right now! Haaaa…..wahhhh!!! Hahahaha….

Watch out!!! Dunea….ahhh…Duneaaaa!, Ericka called to the blue girl since she fell over the edge of the ledge like the cliff we are familiar with. Ericka couldn't find the girl so she almost cried but…

Booo…hahahahaah!!, Dunea spooked Ericka when she suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Ericka slapped Dunea on the cheek and then laughed at being silly since she knew all along that the girl is powerful and can walk under the ledge so falling from the cliff is impossible.

Okay, you got me! What do you like to try eating, it's my treat!?, Ericka said and jumped off the huge rock's ledge down to another rock then another, down to the smallest until she reached the sandy part of the beach.

Dunea thought as she was following her new friend and laughing while jumping off one rock to another until they reached the sand. This is so much fun! I never had this much fun in my entire life when I was in Aurea.

Okay, ah, I think you love eating ice cream, so, I love to try ice cream!, Dunea said. Ericka laughed and replied that they will head to an ice cream parlor near the beach. When they arrived at Market Central, numerous ice cream stands and food stores are open to serve their customers. Since it's summer time in Majarlica, people are into cold beverages. And ice cream is one of the most popular desserts available in DG-1, most especially in public areas. The ins and outs skirts of Majica Beach is plagued by stores, restaurants (coffee, milk tea and ice cream shops/parlors) all year long. It doesn't matter what the weather or season is, Majarlicans love sweets, hot or cold, anything will do as long as it's delicious.

Let's check the ice cream here, Ericka said and walked inside Crema while Dunea was behind her.

Let's order, ah I like to have Vanilla and Chocolate, with sprinkles and mallows on top, Ericka said to the girl taking their orders. And how about you Dunea?

Ah…I can't figure it out, there are so many to choose from, wow!, Dunea looking at the colorful icreams that is ranging from20 or 40 flavors all in all. Okay, I want this one and this….Dunea pointing at Ube and Strawberry flavors.

Good combo, the girl representative said. It's tastier with nuts and cream on top, so would you like to have those? Hot chocolate drinks would definitely compliment everything, so would you want me to add them too?