Head over heels with you

Ericka likes Dunea so much that she thinks she is head over hills in love with the girl. Haaa…this is weird and I can't feel this, she is my new friend and Ren is my girlfriend. Why deos emotion betray one feels. You are in love with someone now then not the next. I can't figure out how my feelings developed for Dunea, maybe the time when we talked and had fun at Majica beach. That was really something and now I can't take her out of my mind. The news about her being Headmaster Eco's daughter went viral in a matter of hours. And now she is a hot sensation in social media and I'm just a flighter, commoner though my dad is rich and influential, I grew up with my mom who is a simple but gorgeous woman with average income. Well, that happens in real life and so much for dreaming about my prince or maybe princess to sweep me off my feet….., Ericka is still having her monologue when Dunea appeared from the back. Ericka is in her room and still thinking if she wants to get up and take a couple of runs since she hasn't been doing it with her busy schedule at the academy. Maybe a visit at D'Caffe can smooth things up a bit! Yup, definitely!

 Dunea is in invisible mode and Ericka can't see her but since the girl has special abilities of her own she knows someone is with her in the room. I see and sense you are spying on me, Dunea!!!! You sneaky little bitch!, Ericka said and captured the girl when she moved quickly and caught Dunea giggling. Haahahaha…., you're too easy to fool!, Dunea said. Both girls laughed and then stopped suddenly when they felt their closeness and body heat is taking their toll and then Ericka's phone rang.

 Mom! Hi, oh, here, when? Alright, see you then!, Ericka added so happy. Who's that?, Dunea said. It's my mom and she's here to visit, I missed her and it's good you'll get to meet her!, Ericka excited.

Oh, okay, mother is here on earth too. Will you meet her too?, Dunea cried and then smiled at me. Sure, let's go!, Ericka said walking towards the bathroom. Hang on, I need to shower, wait here!

Dunea nodded and looked around Ericka's room. Ren is out already and maybe on the training grounds to welcome my mother and her team, but since it's a weekday, we get to have two day off or break just to relax or do whatever we want so I want to do that with Ericka. I don't know what being a girlfriend is in human's perspective but when I watched a video about lesbians and girls love, ahhh….I almost had a heart attack. The crazy and lewd things they do is just too much for me to try but….

Hmmm…..what's love got to do, got to do with it…hmmm…hmmm…hmmm..hmmm can be broken, Ericka singing in the shower when…

Dunea? Hang on I'm almost done…..huh…what are you doing?, Ericka cried in surprise when Dunea walked inside the shower room then pulled me close to her and kissed me on the mouth.

What are you doing?, Ericka said and pushed the girl away since caught off guard. Ah…I want to try the things girls do on the video and what it feels like to be a girlfriend…Ah…I'm sorry…I ….Dunea embarrassed but Ericka felt a sudden desire to kiss her friend. She pulled Dunea towards her and kissed her lips. Though she kissed Ren and felt aroused every time they make love, Dunea's lips are different, they are softer and sweeter like cake with icings all over it's so yummy. Is this how it feels kissing a spacian or ospian? Wow….it's so amazing and out of this world!, Ericka thought. You know that I can hear you Ericka, hihi! Yeah, really, thanks I feel the same way too with you! Can I…, Dunea asked Ericka if she can touch her there. Ericka nodded and shyly covered her mouth and moaned while Dunea did her. She kissed Dunea when she came. Dunea ravaged her breasts and kept on kissing her lips until she was satisfied, if ever she gets that. The girls made love inside the shower room and giggled together as they climaxed successfully.

Dunea and Ericka didn't know Ren is outside the bathroom acting all quiet yet frantically angry that her girlfriend and new found friend lied to her, betrayed her. It was really painful as hell and she won't accept defeat. Ericka is hers and hers alone. Even a spacian can't take my love away from me. Never! You truly are a bitch, Dunea, I hate you!.

At the hotel dinner, Ava, Dunea's mom and Violet (Ericka's mother) met and Eco introduced both women when the banquet is about to start. Aside from Dunea's debut as the headmaster's daughter the event also welcomes Commander Ava to earth and this made Eco and those who knew the woman from long ago happy and proud to see her well, pretty as always and all powerful.

Meanwhile at Aurea/Sufi, assassins or Aurea's finest warriors who has numerous rings on their ears, neck and faces (including the brows, lip, tongue or nose stating their ranks which is from Elite 50th to 1st and A as lowest to F which is the highest) seized Gala and while escaping the woman shot the assassins one by one but since they are really quick to move and jump, they also disappear when hit or reappear when needed to hit the opponent. With Gala's case one assassin named 'Vilis' appeared in front of her to give two surprise hits which is so precise and fast that the knife-like weapon cut the supposedly Head of Aurea Council.

Huh! Gala is a robot, she is an imposter!!!, Vilis yelled out to her team that comprised of the Super Elite ten most effective and fastest assassins in Aurea and Universal historyof warriors or soldiers. Get out of there, it's a trap!

The ten assassins immediately warped and disappeared right before Vilis' eyes as she escaped the exploding room and right wing of the Galaxon Fleet. It is the main branch of Aurea's laboratory, space and testing center that huerts, humans GLASS, TOV, spacians and ospians, explorers or navigators unite and meet all over two universes. Absalom called out for assistance at the Starburg unit where Mr. Yamamoto does his experiments on humans and spacians. Mr. Yamamoto called out for his friend but as if Station 11 isn't picking up the call. IT seems that Gala and her accomplices have destroyed the station and killed my dear friends along with his staff. Poor thing! I shouldn't have created another you. Gala you are the monster and not me!, Mr. Yamamoto thought while catching Gala with her ship departing Aurea's atmosphere taking the path of exile to Omega.