Mother's Instinct

The ship's course has been pre-meditated and King Xerxian was among her supporters and benefactors concerning the alleged and preprogrammed downfall of Aurea's General Absalom and the newly appointed Commander Ava who was a Colonel a year ago.

Yamamoto, where are you? Can you hear me?, Absalom called. Yes, everything is fine now at Galaxon Fleet. But unfortunately, Gala's clone escaped along with the real enemy of our state and planet. Okay, that's good to hear. I'm sorry about your friend he is a breath of fresh air and I don't know if we will again have someone so loyal and controlling as he is. Haaaa… I will meet with the council regarding Gala, I can't believe she did this to us. She nursed me and been a second mother to and a loving grandmother to Dunea. I just can't seem to understand her motive!, Absalom said while talking with Yamamoto's hologram. He is standing in front of Absalom while the man is trying to eat his dinner. Without Ava and Dunea, and now Gala, he is helpless and alone. Haa….damn!

Aba! You are a fine gentleman I know Ava will come back, she loves you and Dunea adores you. I don't know what this Eco wants or plotting. We can fix it, don't worry, I will help you fix your relationship with your wife and daughter. But first, let's restore Aurea and the citizen's trust in their Lord. Alright, Absalom!?, Yamamot concluded and said goodnight.

Yes, good night!, Absalom still in shock of everything that happened today. How can bad things happen in a single day? I must have been so unlucky that I am so heartbroken today, it's numbing!

Absalom didn't hear Ava calling the dash from earth. But he didn't want to answer it since he is angry and frustrated. But still missing his wife, Absalom ticked the answer button and spoke…What now?

Honey!? What's wrong? I landed earth today and just attended the meeting with the headmaster of DOGS. Dunea has joined the flighters and well, I don't know what to say, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. In fact I really wanted it to remain a secret but I was a fool to believe that Eco won't find out. I love you, though I did fall for Dunea's dad a long time ago. Pelase trust me that I will come back and rule Aurea with you! I will be speaking with Dunea about this and our family so take care okay! See you soon!, Ava said waiting for Absalom's response and when he didn't say anything, the woman gave a sigh and with a sobbing gesture turned the phone off.

Absalom is left alone and hurting. He loves Ava and he knows she is not a liar but a kind and loving woman. She wouldn't risk or sell off our world nor her people to humans who are lying bastards and greedy sharks. But Yamamoto is an exception, Ava knows it too. Maybe she knows something about Eco's plans that she needed to head straight to earth than in Aurea. I need to trust her and gave Ava a message that I'm fine and I love her too. Ava sent me a smiley emo which I don't really know where to search for one too to send her some love or heart emojis. Ahhh….useless phone…Huh, anyway, I need to rest and tomorrow will be a busy day in the council!

Earth seems peaceful and colorful nowadays I love how the hues play in the dark sky like the famous Northern Lights of Finland. Mother? Hi!, Dunea said and walked to greet and kiss her on the cheek.

Dunea, what are you doing?, Ava said and slapped the girl.


Eco is your biological father, yes, I'm sorry that I kept it a secret to you but Absalom raised and accepted you as his own. Why are you abandoning him or us like this!?, Ava added and teary-eyed.

Mother, I am not abandoning anybody. I love father and now my human dad too. I love Aurea and I'm doing this for her. I want to know more about earth and its people so we can use every study and knowledge for our planet's benefit and ….Dunea said but Ava cut her off.

No, you will go back to Aurea with me and it's an order as your head commanding officer!, Ava added seriously.

No…., Dunea whispered.

What? Dunea?

No…no….no!!!! I won't go back with you and you would have to kill me if that comes to that!, Dunea cried and excused herself.

Du…..nea? Why are you…?, Ava replied and wanted to run after the girl but she is long gone when Ericka came in to the room and greeted the anxious woman.

Hi, Commander Ava, I'm Ericka, Dunea's friend, and you met my mom Violet earlier at dinner, remember!?

Ah, yes, that cute girl that Dunea was talking about! Ahh….she is as stubborn as Eco and I hated him for that!...., Ava said turning her back at Ericka breathing heavily now with worry.

Don't worry about Dunea, she'll come around! Though I just knew her recently, I know she is a good girl and knows what to do. At this rate, you won't understand each other when both of you are angry! So might as well talk with her tomorrow!, Ericka added and smiled.

Ah, yes, maybe so! And you're name again dear?, Ava cried now giving a faint smile.

Ericka at your service, ma'am!, the girl said and gave the commander a proper salute since a high ranking officer.

It's a pleasure to meet you dear. And what do you do exactly?, Ava said. I am a flighter and I like your daughter…erhhh ahh, what the f*ck?, Ericka replied then suddenly thought she just confessed her feelings to Dunea's mom.

Ahh….I like my daughter too and I'm glad you do. But you don't mean, like, like where a boy adores a girl like?, Ava moved closer to Ericka then whispered the last phrase to her ear.

Yes ma'am, that sort of like and it's amazing…how she makes me feel inside. So I wish to stay beside her always and I hope it will not be an issue for you Ma'am?, Ericka said still saluting to Ava.

Haa….yes, it won't be an issue for me but can you help me convince her to come back to Aurea. She is important to us and she needs to go back or else our world will fall apart!, Ava said indignantly.