Julietta (MS1)

Hey, Mirel, don't you think you're being too bossy nowadays!? And come to think of it, since Lt. Jax is busy with other things, you're just a temporary head for flighter trainings, am I right!?, a man solded the woman. And what are you doing here Lloyd, not having fun at the battle field? You're annoying my staff here. Not to mention me, of all people!? Okay that's better Ayi, good work! Now let's start the trainings! Lloyd if you have something to do, please care to leave now and don't bother to come back. Some of us needs to work after all!, Mirel added and smirked. Spoiled flighter man!

I heard that, you know I have always liked you. But I need to run some errands for the chief. See you later then, my angel!, Lloyd said and gave the woman a smack sign of his lips. Eeek, I need to finish this test and shower, I might have caught a disease from that guy!, Mirel thought while having some sort of goosebump reactions from Lloyd's awful remarks.

Captain, Lt. Jax is on the line! Are we going to take it?, Ayi said. Yes, thanks! Congratulations on your promotion, from captain to lieutenant! Yes ma'am! They are all about to finish the tests. Aha, right! Thank you. Yes, Sir Eco did appoint me as the new head of this department. Thank you. Okay, see you then!, Mirel added and smiled. Okay, another, one more time! Hit the enemy on holograms like this and that!, Mirel instructing some of the students how to hit using the Mobile Suits which are bigger and harder to handle than a Robo Skim. Robo Skims are supposed to stand about 50-100 feet and more easier to manage than a Mobile Suit. Mobile Suits are better, stronger and sturdier but bigger standing at about 150-250 feet or more. It has weapons and shields too that can be used for war against alien and ospian ships or if there will come a time that we need to save and protect earth we have robots not only for BTs and VCs but enemies to infiltrate earth airial borders.

She loves me. They say that the more you love, the more you hate! Haha! Haa… Mirel, Mirel, I…what the f*ck is that?, Lloyd said when he saw a Mobile Skim which is so huge that it is almost as big as their DOGS Academy. Students from different classes and staff from different departments left whatever they are doing and ran towards the robot that is about to land on DOGS testing center. It landed in the middle of level 20 training ground. The Flighters and G-Force students stopped their duel and stood perplexed before one of the most beautiful and sophisticated robot in the history of DOGS academy.

Head master, the robot is here. Do we need to call for back up?, Lt. Jax said though not worried about the Mobile Skim that just stood in the middle of the field motionless.

Ava ran outside the hotel and saw from where she's standing, Mobile Skim 1 named Julieta. Ericka and Dunea will have to take turns in using this advanced AI powered and manipulated robot. Unlike Robo Skims and other Mobile Skims that have been manufactured by UASA and NASA, we made sure that this is gril friendly. Though DOGS have men flighters, we wanted to be gentle and sweeter in the eyes of the media and the benefactiors who are the buyers and sellers of the product. Though Eco said it'll be used for protecting earth and Aurea, I know he might have pulled some strings to make this happen and use it for personal gain most especially for war as a weapon. Haaa…..I'm such a fool to believe that Eco and I have common principles. You never change Pappy! Still a monster but with a heart if that breathing mechanism you have there in you is indeed one! His ideals were long gone, polluted by the dark whims and greedy ideals those pesky burocrats made him to believe. They handed him power after power and now like a puppet on a string he is manipulated, used and dried out to rot or die from his own selfish motives.

Very well!, Ava said. A car was already waiting for her to ride on and escort her to the academy. As she boarded it, Dunea saw everything, the robot from their dormitory's window. Ericka was with her in the room. After the good sex, she stood up to shower leaving Ericka still asleep, maybe dreaming about her, who knows. Dunea got ready and contacted Kara and Lofi. Kara said they will meet her at the academy's hangar. 

Dunea may need Star ship to protect her from this Mobile Skim. It is indeed a huge robot and can be a means to kill her or her mother so she wants to be prepared if in case it shoots someone or whatever!, Dunea thought.