Aurean Storms

Buck, I'm sorry you died because of us! I hope you'll find peace wherever you are! You're a good soul, I know you'll live there, in a place they call heaven at the edge of the universe!, Kimiko thought and almost about to cry when Yamamoto tapped his shoulder to come with him. Don't call him that, he'd rise up to haunt you when he hears that awful name! Haha!.

News spread all over the kingdom that Abasalom is about to charge off to Earth and engage in war practice defense. It'll take a couple of months and Yamamoto will be in charge of Galaxon and the kingdom for the mean time. So far the solar storms are unaffecting Aurea and its moons seem to protect the planet from any anomalies and calamities. The citizens of Aurea are not worried and are cool about absalom's decision. He will part Aurea as soon as they receive permission to land Earth from USN and UASA for the event. Since Abasalom's ship was destroyed while in space he needed to go back to Aurea to salvage his fleet but to no avail, they suffered and died along his ship when it exploded when they were about to land the planet's hangar. Yamamoto was working on Exellion for years now and finally its regeneration phase is completed. He is jjst waiting for Absalom's signal to try the ship and it's strength in battle so this would be a great opportunity to test its capabilities in the coming War Practice Defense to be held on earth. Since Exellion is better stronger, more advanced and even mightier than Galaxon, Absalom will eb the judge of that once they tried the ship in Aurea testing center.

Ericka Armac! DOGS Flighters!, Slash thought. She is the daughter of the business tycoon who owns ARMAC Corporation. Then we have Rene aha, the princess of the academy who is the best shooter and bow and arrow gold medalist in the recent Olympics. And a lot more….ahaa…I may be too good of an instructor for these bunch of teenagers who thought they can kill bacteriums or aliens with just sheer luck, noble family background or special talents. Huh! In their dreams! The great Slash is more than that!

Slash, you knuckle head, what are you doing here!? I thought you're with the Andromeda Project chosen TOV's and GLASS? Hehe!, Lloyd shouted that made Slash lost his footing and his enormous pride. Aye!!!, both met at the front gate of the academy. Lloyed wanted to vape but he was out of amunitions so he needed to buy one at a nearby avping station. Smoking cigarettes and vaping is not allowed academy premises. Vaping stations stood in every district yet once you are a minor which can be detected by your uniform identification, you'll get detained in the G-Force Police station or get court martialed. Same goes with alcohol drinking or playing illegal businesses, games like unregistered lottery or pornography, etc. 

 Dunea arrived at the academy's hangar with all the bystander students and curious staff of the school. Lofi, where are you?

We're on top of you Commander and Lofi is in her invisibility mode. Do we need to come out now?, Kara added.

No…ahhh…hang on, mother is here!, Dunea said.

Since, you're already here. Try Mobile Skim 1, Her name is Julietta. Rome is still under maintenance check, it'll be arriving soon for the testings, Ava explained. Then, Julietta knelt down and opened her face to let Dunea in. Ha…what kind of robot is this mother?

Mobile Skim 1 and 2 is the kind of robot which moves and monopolizes its users DNA. I have been working at the Persius (2nd to the largest Home Galactic Ship that has been revolving the solar system along with 15 more home ships where humans, spacians and aliens reside and work together for a cause which is universal peace) at the Edge of the Universe for ten years now. Since it's already complete, we want to present them to the public. So meet Juliette, Dunea!, Ava said smiling.

Just like cruises, Home Galactic Ships (HGS) or simply called Home Cruise, a person can travel space using CRAWLs to drive him or her to it. Here a person can experience once in a lifetime paid trip sleeping overnight, 24-hours, 15 days to living on semi to luxurious suites, with all amenities like a swimming pool, jakuzi, tennis, badminton and basketball courts, a gym, digioke restobar, premium grade restaurant and food chains, and more. There are helijet pads, decks and hangars for peoples in all walks of life to use. It is an amazing experience indeed for astronauts, travellers of the universe and commoners to add Home Cruise on their bucket list.

I have always wanted to try the cruise but it's very expensive and with my salary back at the cafe, I couldn't afford even to attend the academy. If not with the scholarship I applied for at the academy Flighter Foundation I wouldn't be here at all. I passed the scholarship test why I got acepted as a trainee last year, Ericka thought. Eventhough mom and dad could pay for my tuition I wanted them to be proud of me that I made it without their monetary help.

The Golden Galactic Harvest event is about to start and Ava presented Mobile Skims 1-Julietta as opener. Dunea agreed to control the Julietta and everyone is at awe of the powerful and majestic robot moving, running, flying and playing off its fighting stance being the center of attraction heightening the promotions of RoboSkims DOGS flighter suits and students exemplary skills through rigid and competitive trainings.

Dunea had an idea and contacted Kara to drive Lofi at the center of the stage to have a practice battle between her ship and Julietta. But Commander…!, Kara disagreed. Kara it's just a game and nothng more. Use blank silver bullets and missile, it'll be alright!

Ava turned to her right of the stage to sit beside Head master Eco and other prestigious guests from other planets, kingdoms and districts. Representatives from UASA, NASA, USN and other companies or organizations that supported projects for DOGS, Gateway and other laboratories have gathered together to give their support, pledge their allegiance and pay their respects to Eco, Ava (representative for Andromeda Galaxy / Aurea) and Dunea, along with the students and DOGS Flighters, G-Force Officers and m