Purple Supreme

Though I know that I will not stay on earth forever, I want to create a better home, world for the people here. I never wanted to be queen or leader for Aurea in the future but being the rightful heir as leader is what I'm destined to do for my own world and maybe here on earth to. What can I do to make earth a better place to live in? Maybe Mobile Skims aren't the only answer to solve its wars. I believe the only ones who can solve their own wars are those who have conflicts within them. Maybe it's not really a problem about others opinions but an issue they weren't able to resolve within the 'self'.

Haa…Ericka is so sweet, a paper flower, and it smells good too!, Dunea thought while pulling the sheet to cover her bare body. I know I need to step up now that I have a girlfriend, a family to protect and two worlds to make use of my gifts as a leader. I wonder how things will go from here when we are sent to one of the space's home cruises. I can't wait to try living in ons of those homes. They say living there is most comfortable you don't want to leave! Let's see! But we have obligatiions to do and a responsibility to fulfill so I don't think it would make a difference anyway!

A rose that is not plucked retains her beauty and majesty. It is indeed wonderful to look at a rose and just adore its splendor. It's my mission to protect her and those she loves. Maybe this is indeed love. She is my light and mine to out on a pedestal, to protect in this world ad other worlds, alone! Because I can and I want to, Dunea thought heading to the shower.

Ahhh….I am a singer not a killer!!!, Yogi on his roboskim is trying to run away from a virtual monster that is going to suck his blood now. F*ck Flighter Yogi you can't just abandon your post like that, Slash shouted from the speakers and said a lot of scursing words so pissed that he almost slammed his hand on the monitor (checking on every flighter training in the facility). Hep, hep! Those are lab property so be careful not to break it or I'll break your neck!, Mirel said casually.

Yogi, come on, it's just a hologram, plus think of it as your bashers online. Remember that one time a girl is harassing you, or no, how about the slizzy old bastered that got a hold of your butt and said it just happened to fall on your….b….!, Mirel said and Yogi yelled to stop. I haaatteeee you monsters, bashers and perverts!!!! Ahhhhhh….., Yogi yelled loudly and killed every single monster that appeared virtually in front of him. Haa…haaa…haaa….

Wow! that did it! Okay, next!, Mirel said witout emotions. Cold, heartless, bitch!I, Slash whispered so surprised. Thank you, perve! Stop looking at meand work!, Mirel repliedfising her eye glasses. Your turn Akhmed, let mee see your princely power! Start now!, Mirel added and Akhmed is looking unafraid thinking that he is made for this and he will not fail, ever.

F*ck! That was harsh, and uncalled for!, Hayley said tapping Akhmed's shoulder when he missed killing two monsters charging at him since he got scared and all. Haa….I won't give up tomorrow, I will win the match and survice!, Akhmed said. That's the spirit! Hayley said and congratulating Yogi for passing the preliminary testings.

Mom! Hi!, Ericka running towards Violet at the airport's receiving area. So, you're leaving to day? huh, can you stay for a little bit, we were'nt able to talk since the event!

Well, I need to go back to check on something! But I promise that I will watch you and Dunea's Mobile Skim's run soon, right?, Violet said smiling. Yes, probably after three months! See you at the cruise, then!?, Ericka replied giving the woman a hug.

Yup, gat yah! Alright, Iim off take care of yourself and I love you!, Violet said and boarded a lift to ride her to the airplane.

Thanks and you too mom! I love you!, Ericka said waving goodbye.

Yes, hello! Aha! I know, but I need to make sure that Ava isn't part of that! Eco, well I don't think so but probably it is the council's doing. I don't think that Ava would start a revolt against USN. Anyway, I'm on my way! Thank you!, Violet cried looking at her left and right shoulder to check whether someone is listening to her conversation. Upon checking that the coast is clear she went out fo the lift then boarded the plane with her luggage carried by a BellBoi (robot attendant) saying thank you for visiting DG-1 district and take care flying Super Boeing 3.0.K. Violet nodded to the BellBoi and smiled at the flight stewardes greeting her.

 Good morning SL1!, your suite is ready. All the members of the summit is on their way to the conference hall, the attendant said. A bullet/missile proof car is already waiting for Violet when the plane landed the airport. Walking down the stairs of USN plane, she was greeted by Ambassador Michelin and smiled kissing both cheeks of the woman since it's been months since he has seen Violet. My, my, my Purple Lady Master is still as blooming as ever! I hope you are good!

Ahh….Michelin, my dear, yes I am well. And, you? It's been a while, I really miss your brisket and veges, haa…We need to relax first and talk about work later, please! I am so hungry. I was about to ask my daughter to join me for breakfast but I changed my mind since we have something serious goingon at DG-1!, Violet said. And don't call me that, I wanted to forget who I was before. Haa…

Yes, Violet, sorry about that. But you are a hero and I think everybody should know about it expecially our dear Ericka?!, Michelin added and looked at me and I know he wasn't talking about me as a heroine but me as the supreme leader of USN. I know but it's not that easy. It will be dangerous for her to know who I really am and what I am capable of doing! You know that when we signed up for the job, right Michelin?