Carpathia War Zone

Michelin smiled and then his face changed as if sad in a way but forced a grin for a moment that gave Violet a sense of hope in a desperate situation. We are at war and you know it!

I heard that Commander Ava and Eco will send the flighters to Carpathia? Ericka is one of the chosen handlers for Mobile Skims 2- Rome. So, did you know about this?, Michelin said while walking beside the supreme leader. No, Find out more about this plan and give me all the details, please! Thank you!, Violet replied and sat on a chair to levitate like an elevator but a person is seated not on foot while it moves up. Once the person is seated the front door which is hard glass will close, turns around on 365 degrees and the person will sit where there is internet, airconditioning unit and all medical, even personal ammenities like water, wine or coffee drinks. An AI on a push button can be asked for its services. If one is a high ranking officer everything there is for free if not, a payment is asked through ID cards to swipe them for a certain fee.

Yes, Ma'am!, Michelin cried and left standing there while the lift started to move.

Come on, good work!, Mirel yelled out. Hayley, your turn! Swing it like that and then go and try to use your fist like this and punch through the monster. That's it nice! Then, try to use the fire power! Whatever you do just check on the manuals and follow the processes!

Alright, here I go! Yahhhhh….take that, that, this is for my best friend!....ha..huh..haaaa!!!, Hayley yelled out and cut the monster in half with her Mobile Skim's fist.

Ahahaha…wonderful, girl you got the power, alright!, Slash commented and Hayley gave him a f*ck you finger.

Eeek, ahahah, well, DOGS students sure have similar resemblance as their captain and lieutenant, huhuhu!, Slash added and felt defeated.

What's going on with the love triangle Ren, Dunea and Ericka? Have you heard the news about us joining them at a home cruise! Pretty cool!, Yogi said while drinking his tetra juice. Well, I heard that we will be handling Mobile Skims but with the top girls of the DOGS they will be handlers of some MS 1 and 2. They also named them after a Shakesperan play, a Romeo and Juliet, I think!, Hayley added and sitting on the ground all sweaty and tired finishing her water bottle. Hmmm..okay, so are you all in for it, I mean, since they are our friends, right!?, Akhmed said and still checking on a recorded fight he had with the monster earlier. Yes, I am in, you!, Hayley cried standing up accepting the challenge. Count me in!, Yogi said. Alight, then it's a unanimous decision, Carpathia, here we come!!!, Akhmed added trying to reach for one of the home cruise station on the sky which is a dot from wher they are. Hahaha…

Looks like, the kids have decided to join the war at Carpathia, huh?, Slash said. Well, we still don't know what will happen there. If the MS 1 and 2 can be operated safely by those chosen DOG flighters. Haa…, let's hope that they will come home successful this time!, Mirel said wishing for the best for the students.

Anyway, Ericka, Ren and Miles have graduated as official flighters for the DOGS. Dunea had speedy courses to learn everything about the RoboSkims and since she is an alien and has experience with ships, she passed all the exams to become a full pledge flighter just like Lt. Jax, Menace, Lloyd and myself, Slash explained. That must have hurt, I mean, your ego!, Mirel said teasing the guy. Well, it did but if she is th answer to saving earth and the universe, then it; just fine with me!, Slash replied.

Cecilia!, a call for you!, Mirel's assistant said. Patch 'em through please!, Cecilia said while hooking up her DOGS uniforme. Hello, who's this please?

Cecil, it's Mher!, Bill added and the girl cried after hearing the news about their G-Force collegue and friend. Cecilia finished her try-out and passed the preliminary tests. As a flighter a person needs to pass several tests aside from written examinations to prepare them for the basics and teories about BTs and VCs. Then, practical examinations are when they needed to wipe out virtual monsters on standard to mid-level up until superior level battle or duel facilities of the academy. There, the council will decide if one applicant is approved and if one has passed the over-all tests until the finals to become a full pledged flighter for the DOGS.

I'm sorry Cecilia, I hope I cn help you with anything, Miles said and placed his hand on the girl'sshoulder. It's alright, Mher is very sick so maybe it's just what it is! I just hope he is happy where he is now! I thought I was dreaming when I saw him with his usual "batik" top and smiling at me. He was in fact saying his goodbyes to me. Bye my friend and please protect me wherever you are! Mwah!, Cecilia thought while gazing at the stars this beautiful night still crying then brushed the tears from her eyes to see them clearly. It's so pretty!

Yes, it is, very pretty, just like you!, Miles added and smiled at Cecilia. He placed his hand on her cheek and caressed it. Cecilia smiled and blushed at the same time.

Ericka tried to call her mother but the phone is busy. Then it rang back, it's Violet after all. HI, mom, I was trying to…., Ericka said happily then Violet asked what's keeping her busy now. Well, I was chosen to handle MS 2 called Rome, are you proud of me? Hihi!, Ericka said but as if her voice turned cold, like she is scared or something.

Baby, you have controlled ships and roboskims before I'm sure bit's just as easy as playing with your robot games, haha! So, don't worry! Okay, sleep now. You need to rest for the trip, right!?, Violet addeda dn said her goodnights. Ericka gave her a kiss and the phone went off.

Violet is now checking her emails that Michelin sent about the Carpathia Project. It is a plan for war against Xerxian ships and Sentinels. Sentinels are alien robots that have been seen roaming and jacking everything they see or find in outer space. These are either huerts or ospians who can be humans or aliens who horded food or gold coins to support their families or planets anywhere between Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies.