Women's Bond

District One or what residents call it 'Belvedere' is a beautiful and calm place. Eco built his hotel here named Amber and created a research center, park, museum, hospital, mall, markets, and food/other stuff shops with the help of his contributers, merchants or business tycoons and philatropists, are always plagued with people from everywhere. But DG-1 has rules that one of them says that 'if you're not a resident or an immigrant, you will need to wait before the residents are being served. If you are a foreigner or an alien from outer space there is a special line just like a veteran/soldier (G-Force, Flighter, military corps, etc.), pregnant woman, elderly, person with disabilities and or people with gender identity issues, etc. section for you to take advantage of too.

During the Dark Times, the era after the 21st century pandemic, many countries suffered economic losses and workers being terminated, pulled out of bankrupt companies or employers. I wish I was there to have helped them with my money and influence I could have filled the poor's tummies and gave jobs to those who lost theirs. But I was not there and can only think how people and families lived or surviced in time like that. I will definitely and carefully get the Supreme Leader come to me and kidnapping her is not an option now. But will she listen to me and my reason why I need her to come with me?, Red thought.

Michelin is talking to Violet about something when Ericka called her and it's about tomorrow's journey to Axiom. Ericka and Dunea will escort Violet to the planet for Duke Yuri's birthday. But there is only one problem, Captain Red of Skull Fleet is going to intercept their communications and kidnap the supreme leader. A unknown souce said sending the message to Michelin who in turn the ambassador adviced the leader to be careful.

Captain Red and her fleet is already waiting, hiding at a small meteor with a size of five football field and about to come right at USN ship when Dunea and Ericka with their Mobile Skims stood in front of the Skull.

Red perplexed didn't know this would happen and decided to send a message to Violet's ship to talk to her about something. Violet agreed and Michelin is the one who opened the hatch and let the pirate queen enter USN ship.

I am Captain Red and this are my mates Dax and Blade (a woman dressed as a man). It is ncie to meet you my Lady…the pirate said as she stood right in front of Violet.

I'm glad that you are alright. What is it that we are going to talk about? I hate being straightforward but I don't want to spend a lot of time to nonsense things!, Violet added and askd Michelin to take care of Red's mates and led the girl to her office at the center of the ship.

Ericka, are you alright there?, Skull is a big and advanced ship. They use this for piracy, wow!?, Dunea said and tried to scout around the ship a bit. Hey, be careful, it might react to your skims and fire straight at you or me!, Ericka said laughing. Anyway, mom is talking to the captain maybe they can resort to peace rather than battle or whatever!

 Maybe!, Dunea said and breathed.

 Red explained to me what is the purpose of her visit and that Lord Yuri blackmailed her into kidnapping me in exchange for her immunity and piracy permit in Axiom and several planets in the universe. Though I can't tell whether she is telling the truth but I know that she wanted to come clean and clear her name as a pirate. She honestly said that her fleet did loot and kidnap for ransome however, unlike other pirates they don't rape or murder their victims. They only do pay to hire jobs and mostly merchant work and business errands nowadays. Red said that she plans to go back to the university and take an engineering course since she is really into building ships. I commended her for her bravery stepping up and confronted me with the issue. I know it sounded weird but I was glad she came to me instead of continuing her plan to take me by force for she would have failed and if she won she would have suffered injuries since I wouldn't be forced to go with anyone without a fight. So with our heart to heart talk we decided to make a new plan that will definitely shock the Duke. I hope that it would work too and that Captain Red or Priscilla would be able to pursue her dreams and give up piracy to have a better, happy life and honest to goodness way of living.