
Wow, it's really taking mom and the captain some time to chat! I wonder what could they be discussing about?, Ericka getting impatient while playing games with Dunea on the cellphone. Haha….loser!, Dunea said when she dodged and hit Ericka's skims in the game. Bummer, you win again! I could never win against an alien far more a skilled fighter!

 I don't know about that, you have your own powers too. You just need to enhance it and you'll make the enemy cringe with fear! Hihi!, Dunea added.

 Yeah, sure! Hihi!..., Ericka replied. Then seeing Captain Red and her mates exiting USN ship, the personal ship like a tube moved back to Skull and the fleet moved away, and this time for good.

 Huh, I thought we are a goner with the size of that ship, we could have fought a lost fight and be dead by now protecting USN and mother!, Ericka said with Dunea watching Skull ship move towards Axiom but slowly but steady.

 Mom, roger!, Ericka called out to digiradio. Yes, honey!, Violet cried. What is the plan for now? Are we still headed to Axiom?

 Yes, dear!, Eco, Ava, Dan and other higher-ups will be there too so we need to get going! Red and I had a nice chat. It's most interesting and I loved the fact the she came to me to confess something! That's all!, Violet added giggling. Aha, I see…is that a love confession? Oh, my!, Ericka said when USN ship moved ahead and MS1 with MS2 following its lead. Better than it! Hihi!, Violet said and turned the radio off. She turned it off, that cold mom b*tch! She's avoiding the question, Ericka thought a little dissapointed. Dunea reading Ericka's thought laughed. Ericka heard what her girlfreiend did. Why are you laughing, huh!, Ericka said aloud. Violet and Dunea kept laughing, as if Ericka is the only one who didn't know what's really happening and this time it's serious.

 Are you sure you want dad to be buried on Earth?, Kimiko said holding his sister's shoulder who is still crying until now. Yes, dad loves mom and even if she is not my biological mother she treated me well and I missed her too. She would be so happy to have dad on her side! I will be going to Axiom with Eco for the Duke's birthday. I want you to take care of Aurea while we are gone. Absalom is already there and I know we are ready to do what we have been planning to do all along. And this time it'll be a success!, Ava said and Kimiko thinking what the heck is his sister saying or talking about. But whatever it is he went along with it. Besides she is in mourning too and both of them re trying their best to lead Aurea and do their jobs well even thought they are suffering the loss of their father and their mentor as well. Yamamoto is indeed a great loss for Aurea. He was and still is the most awarded scientist and physicist on Earth and our intelligent teacher ever since both of me and my sister where kids.

 *Hey friend long time no see!, Fabian is already standing at Yamamoto's ash inside a grey pottery urn in the center of a royal chamber with the many rosettas and tulips surrounding the man's ashes. Oh, my God, is that you Fabian, my old friend?, Yamamoto's spirit flying out of the urn and happily standing in front of his friend who is shining so white now. Yes, Zitsuo, it's me and I'm here to take you with me. Are you ready?, Fabian said with his usual fun and adventurous tone. Yup, I'm ready hahahaaha…!, Zitsuo said and flew away with Fabian*

 Ava, I can't remember dad's first name but when I checked on the archives and printed his birth certificate, I saw that his first name is Zitsuo, did you know that?, Kimiko said while walking to the dining room since they are about to eat breakfast and the maids already prepared food on the table. Yes, it is Zitsuo, but we are accustomed to calling him Yamamoto. I think Uncle Fabian is the only one who calls him by his first name!, Ava added and smiled. Zitsuo, ahh….oh…Kimiko held his hands on his mouth realizing something. Dad was the first man to travel the universe, and it wasn't his first time when they reached Andromeda galaxy. When he was with mom and me, it was in fact his third time to go there. That is why, he reported the first time he successfully landed on a planet, Aurea or Sufi is a livable and inhabitable world. And here we are…, haaa, dad really is amazing!, Kimiko said and hugged Ava. Yes, he really is, indeed!, Ava said and smiled.

 Ren and Hayley were left at Carpathia to assist at the Warfront. Miles, Cecilia, Akhmed and Yogi are now scouting Dox planet. Their Mobile Skims are about to land it. Miles and Cecilia moved ahead to check whether Xerxians or Sentinels are still inhabiting the world. Xerxians can bring MS hell and Sentinels can raise havoc since they are controlled by both huerts and ospians. Sometimes they are so bad they posses some kind of magical powers to ceize you or manipulate you to doing things you don't like to do. And that is a bit too much for humans like Hayley and I, Ren thought.

 Hey, Cecil, let's check on this side. I don't see any Xerxian at all but be careful, maybe Sentinels are just about in the area, I'm not familiar with the place, how about you?, Miles added while flying across the barren land of Dox. Yes, me too, but when G-Force training started we were deployed here to scout and kill Sentinels or Xerxians. I think I just saw several and killed maybe two or three since I was thrown off balance and almost got blown when a hi-jacking incident happened as the Ku Klux came to loot in some area in the planet that has still citizens living within the vicinity. They were maybe a couple of families trying their best to survive in a village somewhere. I just couldn't remember the name of the place though. I hope we'll be able to see it and check if there are still living souls who survived the war there!, Cecilia added and flew ahead of Miles .