Creatures at Dox 2

 Hey Akhmed, what's up with you? You're not talking to anybody now? What's wrong man?, Yogi asked while they are flying at the other side of Dox planet since Miles and Cecilia are at the other end. Well, I had a message from my dad, mom is slightly ill now, they don't really know what's wrogn with her, but I hipe it isn't fatal or what so ever?, Akhmed said. Man, that's serious, sorry to hear that but I know you're worried and all so I'm here if you need to talk to someone about your family, alright? Don't worry, I'm sure she will be fine!, Yogi said.

Okay, man, thanks, I appreciate it very much! And….ahhh…what is that?, Akhmed cried when he saw an animal or maybe human who has claws for hands.

Yogi turned around and saw the creature move passed him, again and again! He was so fast both Akhmed and Yogi couldn't guess where it is now and or where it is heading. Then a loud thud sound hit Akhmed's side and Yogi saw the creature hanging onto Akahmed's Mobile Skims.

Squeeeeel!, the creatues screamed so loud like a hawk and scratched Akhmed's Mobile Skims and tried to knock his head off by its huge beak. The creature is a giant hawk with claws, head and feet of the bird but neck and body of a human. It is so strange that both flighters moved away from the creature and watched it charge at them. Finally realizing that they are not dreaming or just seeing weird things, Akhmed fired his gun and bullets put holes on the man-eagle's wings. It covered himself with his wings but when the gunfire stopped he continued to charge at Akhmed but Yogi open fired and hit the eagle man on the side of his chest.

Awwkkkkk..., it yelled in pain and held his chest where green blood gushed forth profusely. The eagle man tried to stop the blood from spitting out but he fainted, quickly fell down to the ground and died.

Mannn, that's so weird!, Yogi added feeling relieved. But when Akhmed clutched on to his shoulder and tapped him as if telling him to look at somewhere….Yogi moved his Mobile Skims head to the right side and saw eagle men, women, plant humans and creatures or monsters lurking at almost every part of land and village at the area they are searching for survivors.

Ahhh….this is unbelievable!, Akhemed said. Yogi held his digiradio and called out to Major Lance and since his radio isn't working, he then tried to call Captain Slash and reported to him about the weirdest thing that is happening in Dox planet.

Sh*t, Miles and Cecilia!, Yogi cried and looked at Akhmed. Both looked at each other and immediately left the captain hangings still talking on the digiradio or telling them to do whatever they were adviced to do there just to save their flighter mates at the other side of Dox.

F*ck, Yogi, Akhmed Can you both hear me?, aahhh… are you listening to me? Leave the planet immediately. Abort the mission! I repeat, abort the mission! Did they understand what I said? Geesh these youngsters are a total pain in the as*!, Slash yelled but since Akhmed and Yogi were shocked and scared that their fellow flighters could be in great danger, they didn't hear what Slash is saying and since they are futher away from Infinity Loop the giganet and communication systems are quite low and choppy.

The captain was saying something, what was that?, Yogi said. I don't know, I can't understand it but first let's check up on the rest of the guys!, Akhmed added and both flew fast to the other side of Dox.

Miles and Cecilia are having a quiet moment staring at the wild animals that are maybe the only ones left in the vastness of Dox's open fields. There are no flowers yet but only brown to greenish grasses and wild plants trying their best to grow in the aftermath of wars ten years ago.

I hope that we won't need to have wars again!, Cecilia said while sitting on the grass still on her Mobile Skims. Miles is just staring at Cecilia and not on the animals nor the grasses of the fileds.

Yes, I hope so too and just let me stare at your beauty forever! I would love that, really!, Miles said. Ha..ha….you can't see my face through the Mobile Skims, you liar!, Cecilia teased.

Yes I can because I see you and your soul even through the metal frames of the MS. I like you Cecilia!, Miles said bluntly.

I like you too Miles but with everything that is happening, battles that we need to fight in, I don't think our relationship won't last especially when our ranks and orders are given after graduation!, Cecilia said honestly. I know that, but I know we can make it. I will wai for you as long as it takes!, Miles said and smiled on Cecilia's monitor. Okay!, Cecilia said and smiled back. Then, the animals, consist of tinier than the dragons and smaller than the dinosaurs, began to be anxious and seemed running from someone or some creature bigger than them. Miles and Cecilia looked at their left and saw Akhmed nd Yogi's Mobile Skims trying to point out something. They are gesturing something but since the digiradio is acting up since earlier with Captain Slash's call, the couple couldn't understand what the boys are saying.

Whaaatt? Cecilia shouted when the radio finally came through. Runnn!!!, monster like creatures ar coming to eat the animals and maybe us too. We need to go now!, Yogi shouted back.

Oh, Shhhh…., Miles said and flew along with Cecilia. Slash's message came in and telling them to abort the mission and as soon as they received it they all flew high upwards. Miles Mobile Skims leg was about to get bitten by a cylops that has shark like teeth and is standing at about 100 feet tall trying to reach him but fail to do so when he immediately lifted his legs up to a curve so as not to get bitten.