Birthday Bash

Ahhh….let's hurry and leave this place!!! I don't know how to describe such a lovely but scary place!, Cecilia said. Miles, Akhmed and Yogi seconded. All was relieved when they reached space. They stopped at Dox's ring like that of a doughnut which is blue and white in color. Ahhh….that was so crazy!, Yogi said.

F*cking hell!, Miles reacted. Yeah…oh, my God!, Cecilia said. Akhmed just stood and didn't say a word. Allah, thank you! I thought you both are going to be that Cyclops dinner! Ahhh…., Akhmed added sobbing.

Don't worry we're okay now!, Miles said and tapped Akhmed's shoulder. Thank you guys, for warning us. I salute your bravery. This is a gold flag for both of you, for your excellence and heroism!, Miles said giving the gold flag on the guys' right side monitors, while Slash is listening from the monitor to their digiradio. To hell with this giganet, my kids are now grown up and saving people! Hhuhuhu!, Slash thought proudly. Good work guys and get home safely!

Ay yay! Captain!, all flighters said in unison and flew back straight to Carpathia.

Ericka and Dunea are following USN ship where the supreme leader is quietly seated on her chair awaiting their landing to Axiom's ship pod at Lord Yuri's estate. They can see guests from all walks of life and DOGS academy's Eco Amber and General Ava. King Xerxian's ship which is still up in the air trying to find a parking lodge for his monstrous of a ship. It looked like the head of a dragon from afar. General Absalom has arrived several days ago and is already in one of the units that looks like a single detached home (with all the amenities one need for his or her stay there) which the Duke prepared for his guests especially those who have political or business affiliations with him or with his organizations. It's reported that for Lord Yuri's birthday this year his high-ranking, elite or political guests would range from 100 to 300 not counting his people or the citizens of Axiom joining the celebration. Their Duke always spends billions of gold for this momentous occasion and it says that he always grants a lucky winner's (huert or ospian alike) wish be it material or non-material desires in a draw. A machine where lights turn on everytime it ticks turning will choose whatever chair it hits. When it stops then he or she who is seated on that chosen color and seat is the winner. It turns on and continuously lights up each and every seat and person until it stops and choose again and again. But the last person the color shines best is the lucky one wo will be granted one wish either for him/her or others.

 That would be so exciting! I pray that I'd be chosen by the AI. Haha, yeah me too, my mother need surgery!, one says. No, it sould be me, I need money to work out of space for my family, another said. Aha, if I'm chosen I will ask for money to travel into the galaxy, I love stars and nebulas so much…..all guests and people present at the party are alreay murmuring, happily enjoying the balloons, wild rides, food, park, water falls, carnival, music and tiny shops surrounding York Estate for everyone to eat, buy or check for souvenirs and all. Though the tavern which was converted to a reception area had a bouffet, bar and orchestra playing classical and alternative music, all seem to be enjoying the party. It should start any moment now but Yuri is still waiting for some guests that are detrimental for his planet and merchants business advancements or economic transformations this year.

 Governor Belen Pache and other political figures started to arrive and settled to their own suites. Supreme Leader Violet has finally lodged to her own suite with Michelin, Ericka and Dunea standing as USN head's personal body guards. When everything is already set, a loud horn sounded inviting the guests to enter the reception are for the paty is about to start. Flying carts re already posted in front of every suite to pick the guests up and drive them to the reception area. When all guests arrived at the place and seated on their respective tables, the music started to play pachinko, tango and other classic dance music for the guests to dance with. Dan stood up and asked Lena to dance with him. Eco asked Ava who is reluctant to be with him on the dance floor. Governor Belen walked towards Supreme Leader Violet to ask her for one dance which the USN head accepted happily. Captain Red is in the crowd standing and checking for her team to take their places surrounding the location. Okay, after three songs will make our move!, Red whispered since her earpiece can hear her team talking to each other at the party.