Love Drift

Miles pulled his long sleeved shirt and kissed his robot arm. Haa….thank you that you saved me from those creatures at Dox, my armor! Mwahhhh!

Hihi!, what are you doing lover boi!, Cecilia muttered when she saw the young man kissing his arm like a love-dazed boy.

Oh, Cecil, hi! What's up?, hehe!, Miles hiding his arm from the girl.

Why hide it. I love you and your body!, Cecilia confessed siitting beside the Miles.

Thanks, really! Awwe, I love you too!, Miles added and grabbed the girls arm and pinned his gaze on her eyes. I love you so much I can do anything since I have you in my life!

I know and I am happy you feel that way. We are called to report at Carpathia. Did you hear? Ericka and Dunea are their way back to the station. Our supreme leader is with them. I am finalliy going to meet her, wow!

Really, then we need to hurry back!, Miles said and pulled Cecilia's arm as they run through the bridge like the golden gate but the only difference is it is across the galaxy and out in space. Stars, galaxies and planets can be seen if one is to sit or stand on Drift Bridge at Stellar Drift Circuit. It's always amazing and has better view of the solar system, Milky Way and Andromenda connection.

If wormholes are real, maybe this is what makes of the loop, shortening the distance from our galaxy to another and travelling is made easier, it is a leap of universal fate and wonderful scientific discovery. It is always unbelievable to witness how galaxies turn up and I black holes aren't one of them. B-Holes have designated numbers depending on the distance and the strength of its magnetic field. The higher the field and sucking power the stronger their ranking is as threat to life forms huerts or ospians alike. There is one black hole where a planet revolves around it and maybe Lucy and her team happened to land on this world not knowing the power of the black hole at the center of it. Aoi named the black hole, Evolve and the planet Eras.

Miles and Cecilia ran back inside Carpathia Home Cruise's conference room and found the flighters Ericka, Dunea, Akhmed, Hayley, Ren, Yogi talking to one another. Captain Slash is busy attending to guests who visited Carpathia. Major Lance is happy talking with Supreme Leader Armac then pointed to Slash about something important they need to discusss with the newbies.

Good evening respected guests, Supreme Leader Violet Armac, Major Lance, flighters and staff of Carpathi Cruise. I am happy to announce that our newby flgihters are no longer new but official flighters for DOGS Academy and starting today they will be ranked according to our leader's grant and decision. Congratulations Flighters! May our God save and protect you always, and grant you what you desire and more!, Slash said teary eyed.

The flighters were surprised but not at all indifferent with the decision since they are all busy. And the upcoming projects of Gateway, USN, UASA, and more will need to be prioritized. From now on flighters, Dunea, Ericka, Hayley, Ren, Akhmed, Yogi, Cecilia and Miles are now up front while SL1 Violet is giving them their seal and DOGS pin as official flighters. The bulldog with wings is a symbol for courage, fighting skill and stance holding its ground no matter what not quenching in fear and not letting go until its enemy is killed or tamed.

I salute you my dears for your remarkable bravery, unmatched talents or skills, your special abilities, beauty, friendship, loyalty to sovereign leaders and excellence that has no boundaries are most exemplary to me and all those who are witness to your graduation today. Now as your Supreme Leader, I vow to help, care, protect and foresee your trainging until all of you are masters of your own crafts, not just to exterminate the enemies but to uphold peace, compassion and inspire others to be of service to humanity and the universe. I dub you Miles, Ericka, Dunea, Cecilia, Ahkmed, Yogi, Hayley..Rene as DOGS Academy Flighters using Mobile Skims to protect and save the people and uphold the peace as long as you live and even in the after life. Amen!

Amen!, everybody said and smiled. Okay, now let's head to the hall for our refreshments and buffet. Congratulations Flighters and we love you!!, Major Lance said now getting emotional. Violet went straight to Ericka to congratulate her. Both hugged for it's been a while for them getting close like this and chatted about stuff since all were busy with a lot of things lately.

Wow! Congratulations to us, haha, Hayley said to Akhmed, Yogi and Miles who is holding Cecilia's hands to congratulate her as well. Ren moved closer to Hayley and kissed her lips. I love you Hayley and can you be my girlfriend, and this time it's official?