
Ye…esss!, Hayley said and blushed, since everybody in the hall are looking at them like in a movie or something. Heyy….hurray, for Hayley and Ren!

Congratulations babe!, Dunea said and kissed Ericka on the cheek. Congrats too, hun!

Violet looked at the two with a worried but happy stare. She held Dunea's hand and shook it. I'm happy for both of you but I hope there won't be an issue when you are given your ranks and mission?

It won't I'm certain mom!, Ericka added and smiled at Dunea who immediately felt weird when Violet looked at her strangely, like she wanted me to be plucked out from her daughter's life. It's so scary, I felt goosebumps from the stare!, Dunea thought.

 B-Hole 67 gave me bruises and blisters since I tried to save my girlfriend from being sucked deeper and deeper into a quagmire of darkness. I thought I'm going to die from the efforts to protect her but unfortunately I failed to save my dear beloved. I had no contacts of the fleet and I'm sure they are still searching for me. As captain for Sentinel XF (Xerxian Fleet) I was assigned to fly and manage this ship. It is the most advanced carrier and scientific explorer fleet of all universes' time to date at 30.000 A.D.E. JORN1 (Jorni or JOuRney One) is our exploration ship that can use thousands of neurons for warps, wormholes and time travel in the most sophisticated and technically advanced way which USN want to get a hold of someday soon. I didn't know what happened after I tried to save my girlfriend from B-Hole 67. I just woke up all of a sudden difting into space like a lifeless corpse with nowhere to go or call my home. King Xerxian sent our fleet to study black holes whether we can experiement on its magnetic fields and succubus power for battle. He also wanted to make clones out of them so we can have an upper hand of the planned war I heard him and his council talk about all the time.

Haaa...huh..huh!, I woke up and Aoi is no longer beside me. The earth's sun is beaming its rays across the room and it's amazing how golden and shiny it is from where I'm lying!, Lucy thought.