Jack Stone

Congratulations, it's a hard game but once you get used to it, it's fun to do especially when we want to relax and all! My grandmother loves that game and as half Chinese, half Filipino they have lots of games they plave when they were young. So I'm happy you loved it!, Cecilia said.

Miles took the tiny ball and started to play with Yogi. Right it's my turn now!

Cool, go ahead, donlt hold back!, Yogi added and smiled. Haha…

Alright, drop ball then get one star, there, oops, almost …then drop ball and get two stars…yeay…I got them! Wooah!, Miles enjoign while the others watch and anticipate his move.

They moved their food down to the chairs and used the table to have more space for the game. All stood to enjoy the view of how Miles able to drop the ball and get the stones or stars together. Now I'm on five stars…yep, drop ball then get five stars, woooohhhh…almost losing that one star, then catchignthe bal again so as not to stop the momentum.. Yahoo! F*ck I lost the other star, I was about to get six stars but I missed that one star sicne it's farther than I expected to grab it. Haaaa..., Miles yelled while the other customers peeked through the gangs mini jackstone game.

Haahahaah....you lost it!, Yogi said, ow it's my turn! Hehe!

Hey, have you spoken with Hayley and Ren, where are they now?, Cecilia asked Akhmed. Ah well they are both at the Destiny Community Center to give an inspiration speech for the kids graduation ceremony. Headmaster Amber asked Ericka and Dunea but they need to check on the rink for our upcoming bout for Virtual of Fire thingy!

I see, yeah what's all the fuss about! Actually we will be up against the best of the best and G-Force Police is the current champion. Haaa…I don't know I feel nervous but excited at the same time!, Cecilias said still looking at Miles and Yogi's game. Well, same here but we need to train more since based on the reports I received from Kaori, this bout is about stamina and skills. So rigid training and physical prowess is tested here. Good luck to Akhmed Yogi!, Akhmed added laughing. Yeah haha, good luck to us too!, Cecilia said and laughed as well.

Babe, where is my pin? Since we graduated as DOGS Flighter we must wear it at all times. Then, when fully pledged as a licensed Flighter we will need to wear our uniforms and names engraved on our Mobile Skims. Julietta will be pissed hehe!, Ericka said. Yeah it's here, let me put it for you!, Dunea added.

Sure thanks, ah, we need to head to the rink and ask for Director Ema Ata, then she will …what is she going to do for us anyway?, Ericka said since forgotten what they need to settle with the woman at the rink.

She will be the one to schedule us for our bouts and the teams we need to battle against next week!, Dunea explained.

Ah, right, that's it! Alright, let's go then!, Ericka said. 

After you, my lady!, Dunea said wearing a tight coat under a pink longsleeves and black tight pants with three inch boots. Ericka on the other hand is wearing a crimson tight blouse with her curves sticking out and a tight skirt falling neatly to her upper knees in three inch stilettoes. Beautiful!, Dunea thought and kissed Ericka on the lips tapping her butt jokingly, then closing their flat's door behind them.

 Ava is seen at a grave site with Eco standing not far behind her. Gateway Laboratory is near Amber Hotel and it's the place where Yamamoto successfully finished his research on Andromeda Project. This gave him a Nobel Piece Prize for Remarkable Research on Scientific Discoveries on Galaxies and Time Travel. USN and UASA along with NASA and the Guild acknowledged his efforts and untiring studies regarding Infinity Loop and the collision of two super power galaxies Milky Way and Andromeda. He even wrote his book about it entitled 'Beautiful Collision'. I didn't know that Yamamoto is that poetic and being a writer is not what I have known him to be since at an early age I saw him as my teacher and mentor for science and quantum physics!, Eco said. Ava is still kneeling in front of her dad and mom's grave when she decided to sit since her legs have gotten numb. Sorry that you have to carry this burden all by yourself!, Eco replied. Don't be my brother Kimiko was there to support me and besides it is none of your business yet thank you for the empathy!, Ava said still grieving for the loss of her dad but finally accepted the fact and made peace with everything that happened.

Yes, I ahev nothing to do with it and yes, as your friend I'll keep my mouth shut! But I am happy you have moved on and is now happy having a brother to complete your life. And this time he is a huert!, Eco added now smiling.

Yes, he is and I love him! Thanks I didn't know you have a heart to feel love!, Ava replied. Ouch, that is a bit harsh! Of course, I do have a heart thinking back when I fell for you how I wish I hadn't so wouldn't have chosen to love you in the first place! But the heart can't choose but only beats for the One he or she truly adores and wants to be with forever. So don't blame me but my heart! If I did have a heart, as I have said before, I didn't have one!, Eco reacted.

Huh! So much for the long poetic speech, but what happened to Yuri, is he okay now?, Ava said changing the topic still sophisticatedly seated on the ground.

Yes, but I wonder whether he is able to overcome what happened to him that night at his own birthday!, Eco added and looked at the full moon. How lovely is the moon tonight!, Eco said staring at the moon like it's shining for both of them now. Yes, it is, I never thought your moon is this magnetic. So beautifully captivating, wow!, Ava sighed. Just like you are to me, Ava!, Eco then replied now looking straight at Ava's face without blinking. Liar, how can you see my face when it's so dark here!, Ava said. Your face is shining brighter than the moon so I can see you perfectly seated where you are and always had me with your hello that fateful day at the lab!, Eco added. Hmm, still a poet and hopeless romantic, aye! Let's go now, I need to make a phone call!, Ava said and smiled at Eco who helped Ava up on her feet back to the hotel.