Jack Stone 2

Flying V is one of the famous burger joint in Majarlica and students from several universities or organizations and new graduate flighters go there to eat, have fun and enjoy the breathtaking cottony view since DOGS Academy is at the center of Sky Level.

When Bulldog team Miles, Cecilia, Hayley, Ren, Akhmed, Yogi, Ericka and Dunea graduated from Carpathia Cruise On the job flight and battle training, they were immediately sent back to earth using CRAWL. The flighters Mobile Skims are also sent for repair and over haul since some of them were busted or got ruined when they made their rounds to Dox planet. Mobile Skims Julietta and Rome are still on their excellent conditions when they were sent to the Repair Shop at Gateway Laboratory. Computer systems and mechanical mechanisms of the robots are perfectly in good condition, though some MS had minor injuries, like wiring or electrical issues, all is well and got fixed after a while. All systems of MS 1 to 6 are ready to go for battle in the upcoming Virtual Rink of Fire bout. 

Hi, Kara, how are you doing?, Dunea said while at a park in Sky Level. Oh, my Commander, I'm good and Lofi here had been asking about you since your training at carpathia!

Ah, that's great to hear, we are okay. We just came home for the bout and since this is a serious matter to fulfill so we can be full pledged flgihters, I need to be here for a coupld of weeks more. Sorry!, Dunea added and smiled.

Commander, it's indeed a pleasure to have served you and you donlt need to worry about me or Lofi. She is in sleep mode since been agitated for some reason. Maybe she just misses you haha!, I missed you too! Ah..well!, Kara added shyly then cleared her throat.

Ah, ahah, well I miss you and Lofi too, Take care and send me datas on your research and findings on earth's core, alright! I still need to make sure if it can help Aurea's present storm problems! Thanks Kara!, Dunea said.

Yes, commander! I will and good luck!, Kara replied and waited until Dunea turned the receiver off. Bye!