
Acknowledging evil and people who are used by some dark spirit is not really advisable. Believe me the enemy is real and is always on the look out for hearts and minds to tempt, use or abuse. When I hear teen agers listen to insane or scary music that are ilicit or insane, or see young people disrespect the elderly or bully others because they can, it's heartbreaking. With me I would instantly reprimand or stop them from making those mistakes and advice them to do the right thing instead of being misled, that you are powerful when you force someone to do something they are against doing. Or that you are invincible, rich or influential that you can do every thing even if it's already wrong since nobody can you see doing it anyway so it's okay.

 Hmm…I don't think so. I have seen the devil and how he/she works, lies and corrupts people's minds, hearts so he/she can get inside their hearts and house him/herself there. Protect your souls and pray unceasingly. i may be the supreme leader but I am also human and susceptible to make errors or be tempted. But I always stand firm to my beliefs and values, to remain unscathed, unblemished, yet I too am a target for shame and disdain. As a politician I am not excempted from bashers, bullies and heresayers who want my government to fail. I get criticized almost all of the time yet just thankful that the media didn't know that I have a daughter. I want to maintain my private life private and my political life, public. It doesn't matter anyway or whichever way I go or how I deal or do my leading role, as long as I maintain the peace and prosperity of the nation along with the universe, I'm perfectly good. And my position as the supreme leader 1 is safe and well secured. I'm tried now, better get to sleep now or I won't be able to rest when Michelin calls me again all of a sudden about something, I don't want to know what….!, Violet thought and jumped to her bed. She was so sleepy that the moment her head touched the pilliow she was already asleep. Her cell phone is beeping and lighting, then since Michelin couldn't get a hold of the leader, he placed the screen to virtual mode so he can see what Violet is doing. Seeing that Violet is already asleep, he sighed and about to turn the virtual screen off but didn't. Michelin had an all time crush with Violet ever since they were interns for DOGS and Violet was assisting former SL1 Dorothea then.

 Haa…Violet, you are so beautiful I couldn't believe I am serving you now as our leader. It is indeed a priviledge, an honor to be your ambassador, Michelin thought touching the holo screen on virtual mode like watching a film on the big screen. Violet is wearing a silk night gown where her leg is sticking out of the covers. If I were there I would have pulled it and covered your frail, beautiful body, Michelin said and smiled. Before lewd thoughts come flooding in him, Michelin turned the virtual mode and cell phone off. Haa… I love you Violet. I respect everything about you that I swore to protect and help you with all of my might and influence. Good night my Purple Lady and Supreme Leader.