The Participants

Are you ready guys? We have our scheduled welcoming party on Saturday. I'm excited who we will meet this time!, Hayley said when every one are busy eating their burgers, fries and nuggets at Flying V Joint. Haa…why do I lose everytime Dunea picks those 'sigays' up, are you reading my mind? Cheater!, Ericka complaining while Dunea and her are playing a game called 'Sungka' (a game where tiny shells act as stones where two players get to pick and distribute to the wooden sungka were there are fourteen openings with each having seven shells on them. One player will start to pick up the seven sea shells to distribute to all the openings including his or her home base until the shells are gone. The winner is determined when almost all shells are kept on his or her home base).

 No way, why will I do that?, Dunea replied and tried to shut her powers so as not to see what Ericka is trying to think about especially on what side to pick the shells and distribute them. Alright, my turn hehe!

 Huh….now I can't even get to play now!, Ericka complaining. You're just losing why you're acting childish. Haha!, Hayley said and laughed. Ren is reading a pocket book while munching her fries. Yogi and akhmed are talking about the party where they will surely meet girls and all. Yeah, I hope there are cute girls there! What do you think Akhmed?, Yogi said and smiled. Well, I hope so, but something is really wrong. Those who are cute would either be gay or taken. So I won't bother thinking about girls but our bouts. I heard there are several competitors that are surely worth watching for! Let me see….haa…hmm, Akhmed said then flipped their promotional magazine for Victor of Fire Battle. Oh, they changed the name of the rink too. Before I saw on Giga net that it was called Virtual Rink of Fire!

 Nice, wow! Haa…who is that beautiful girl there?, Yogi asked and now all fired up to attend the event soon. Well, that is Hayaka Osaka, a famous G-Force athlete. She has been the champion for two years and a row and no one has ever beaten her…, Ahkmed added then Miles interrupted. Really, then maybe it's my time to shine and defeat her!

 You can if you would try it but I heard that she is an excellent fighter and moves so fast you can't see where she is going or where she is at the rink!, Cecilia added. I admire her a lot and though still young just like us, she is one of the most powerful fighter we're going to bout against this season. So w need to watch out and train hard!

 So, you know her that well Cecil?, Dunea asked. Yes she is a classmate at the academy and me with my pals once fought her on the floor and wow, without even sweating me and my friends were instantly defeated by a knock out. Actually I wasn't supposed to join DOGS and wanted to represent G-Force for this event, but my friend Mher passed so I didn't have a choice since I ranked second on our final bout last year. Hayaka is in her third year now and she is getting better and stronger by the minute as per my buddy Emil. You will meet him on Saturday for sure, Cecilia explained.

 That's wild, so let's train harder then and kill this b*tch, hehe!, Hayley said and Ren tapped her head and smiled. No you won't I fought her in middle school and I will be the one to kick her butt, since she did that to me on purpose. So I want revenge and it's pay back time!, Ren added really serious this time.

Alright guys, this is just a friendly bout, the real war is out there in war zone so, just take it easy. Let's finish eating and check out the rink, game?, Ericka said happily.

 Game! Let's go!...yeah!, all said.

After Kara adviced me on earth's core it came clear that maybe Aurea has a chance to overcome her climate issues. Earth's core is so hot since lava composed of molten rock and fire sips underneath is really amxzing however how can this help my planet? After all, Aurea is a cold place why storms appear once in a while due to weather changes and the wind that blows from other planets and galaxies. Before we only thought that wind blows only on habitable planets but I think we're totally wrong. Since planets get affected by meteors, blackholes and stars flammable gases maybe Aurea has a big chance of calming its storms through earth's help. How? I still don't know but I ordered Kara to find out and research more of earth's magnetic fields and core. I know things will turn out for the best!, Dunea thought while watching Hayley and Ericka practice by using their Mobile Skims on thier hotel's gym rink.

 Every graduate from academies, companies or universities are given free food and lodgings for the next six weeks. Since this is a practice bout, it is still a legitimate battle that the winner will receive medals and certifications to help him or her for application to big companies or academies to take them in or absorb them as their professional employee or fighter. After thr practice run and the victor defeats the graduates, he or she along with their teams will get a free vacation trip here and abroad. Plus a contract to work as a flighter, fighter, soldier or officer for the universities, companies or academies who are willing to absorb them. DOGS Academy usually choose and promote their graduates as a Flighter and automatically rank them as an officer just like Lt. Jax, Lt. Cl. Menace and Sgt. Lloyd.