Self's Best Version

Hayaka and Johanna came down the plane still talking to each other. They were assisted by the Victor of Fire welcoming committee to be escorted to the organizing team for proper introductions for the upcoming welcoming event on Saturday.

 Captain Slash went back to DOGS Academy to continue his teaching post for the Flighters course. He went to the cafeteria lounge to check on Jax, Menace or Lloyd. It is not bad at all when he suddenly saw Mena and greeted her politely. The girl was shocked for he always bully or annoy her but now as if things changed and he is like a tamed puppy to her. Aha…what's happened to you, swallowed your pride or something?, Mena added and smiled. Well, let's just say with all the bad experiences I faced at Carpathia and Warfront I just wanted to stay happy and be grateful of everything and anyone in my life now. So, is it okay if I date you?, Slash said and got his order on the counter, paid for it then walked to his seat just a few steps from the receiving area.

 Mena sort of laughed and moved to get her order then sat across the man who asked her out. Well, if you'll pay I might agree to your proposal!

 Alright! Yessss….!, Slash said as if winning a lottery. Haha…

 You know when I rode NYSea (New York under the sea train) for the first time I was so happy. Living in the Bronx is dull but since the city have drastically changed due to this USN supreme leader's decree that the poor will be given government aids, I was able to gain scholarship for the university. I graduated and was chosen by my school to represent it for the Victor of Fire bout. It was amazing because my mom and sibling didn't realize how huge this battle is that I get to see my face on Giga TV. Hihi!, Jon said that made Hayaka smile. Both girls are now inside the bout committee's service car to escort them to their respective hotel near the Victor of Fire real life cinema dome rink. Hayaka just silently sighed, remembering how her father who is a rich business tycoon just smirked on her achievements and didn't even congratulate her for her wins. Her fame and popularity must be an overwhelming prestige for the fans and followers. Being one of the best fighters for the said bout maybe be good for her resume yet to her dad it was, pointless, senseless and unacceptable. It is impossible for her to give an honest gratitude on how Jon must have felt with her family celebrating her achievement. Unlike her with her family who are not just busy with their personal lives but also doesn't care about her nor her recent successes. So what is the point explaining, It is just a waste of energy and time to convince my family that what I do matter, and that I'm happy and love it so much, it doesn't matter how they think about it, Hayaka thought. It's okay I guess they know about my game yet I don't hink they fully understand or like it for me!

 Hmm…I see. Okay. You know, I saw dolphins and different fishes swimming freely while the train is moving fast. I later found out about the magic behind that train why it is not disturbing the sea creatures while the train swiftly drives in and out of tunnels underneath. Then a friend told me that the speed train is inside a glass capsule which is transparent. It is so sturdy that it can't be destroyed by bombs or electrical beams at all. Oustanding, huh? Have you travelled abroad Hayaka?, Jon said. Yes, but usually with my chaperon or assistant when I needed to fight bouts in different countries around the globe or outer space. It is indeed fun, we can go sometime if you like..ahhh, if you want to!, Hayaka said shyly then she suddenly stopped talking. It is true she just met the girl but it felt like Jon is an old friend or a soul mate that she feels safe and happy when she is with her. It's indeed so sudden and now she is inviting Jon to travel with her or whatever.

 It's okay ahahha…if I have the budget to spend yup I would love to travel with you!, Jon added and smiled. Hayaka laughed and said that it's a promise. Jon agreed and smiled as well. Jon realized that Hayaka is a good person and it's wrong that people misjudge her for talking to her now is amazing. She is kind and shy but strong willed and determined. So, nothing would make me happier just to see her smile and enjoy her bout in the rink. Of course I'm a challenger too to fight her. However, being competitors doesn't mean that we can't be friends. So, I'm happy we are friends now. But are we..friends?, Jon asked herself when Hayaka went inside the hotel they are supposed to be staying in with her. V-HOTel is where the bout committee sent the challengers and participants to Victor of Fire Battle and where DOGS Flighters are lodging in and going to spend their six weeks for the competition too.