
It's okay, I can manage!, Godiva said and smiled. So, what are we going to talk about?

 Ah, well, I didn't really thought of that but just seeing you smile and blush like that, is enough for me, haha! Sorry, is that so creepy!?, Lloyd said and scratched his head.

 No, it's not, ahh…blush, where! I am not really used to being asked by guys until now, so I don't know how to react!, Godiva said and smiled again.

Aha! No, I don't believe you! You are smart, strong and beautiful, who wouldn't do what I did? Then those guys are fools and blind!, Lloyd said honestly and drank his soda. It's cold and crisp he can taste its sparkly and bubbly flavor, strawberry? I never liked strawberries but now I love it, because you bought it for me, hehe!

Oh, then, would you want some of mine, it's orange!, Godiva cried and tried to give me her soda can but I shook my head and smiled that it's okay.

Well, I know it's hard to believe but I'm called a terror instructor at the organization. G-Force is my home since my dad and mom are fighters in the same academy just like me. I grew up in the force that I am used to the schedules and trainings even the courses taken by a police officer. So, they made me the over-all head of the course's learning and development department. Many students are scared of me so I was flattered and shocked that you aren't along with your friends! Emil knows me and my work so I believe he is aware of my reputation but it doesn't seem to sink in really. I still feel like the girl who is just lucky to teach and be with my parents in the same establishment which they pledged their whole lives to and that is by serving humanity and protecting the universe, Godiva explained.

You don't need to explain Godiva! I understand. I came from a family of flighters too. Though my mom is opposed to me being a fighter since two of my brothers already passed after being assigned to the War Zone and War Front, I still considered this job and it was my top priority to enter the flighter course because I want to and I love serving my country and my people too, just like you!, Lloyd added and placed his hand on top of Godiva's.

I see!, Godiva said. When Lloyd held her hands she instantly felt a spark and pulled his pajama's collar close to her and gave him a smack on the lips. Thank you!

For what?, Lloyd cried who is surprised to get a kiss from the woman he admires. He felt very lucky today and might not brush his teeth tonight or not ever.

For talking to me and telling me everything about you! I missed this kind of chats and I think I like you, Lloyd!, Godiva added.

I think I like you too! But I am twenty-seven years old, how about you!, Lloyd said outright.

Don't tell anyone okay but I'm twenty-four! I just try to look olderwith these glasses so that my students won't belittle or treat me like a child or their baby sitter. Okay!?, Godiva whispered.

Yes, ma'am!, wow, you're younger than me then I promise to pledge my life for you and protect you my dear!, Lloyd added beating his chest. Godiva smiled back and held on to Lloyd's hand like she didn't want to let him go. Lloyd walked Godiva to her suite and as he is about to leave, she kissed him again but now on the cheek to thank him for his sweetness. Lloyd almost flew from where he is standing. Is this what love feels like. I was kissed twice today and if that isn't the universe being good to me ot teeling me to go for it with this girl, I don't know what is! Haha, then I want to fly and dream of this night so it won't end. Ah, wait Godiva, would you like to come with me on a date in the park after the Bout , if it's okay with you?.

Godiva thought for a bit and then nodded, so it is a yes, right?. Godiva then closed her door and is now holding her chest, her heart is like leaping off of it that she couldn't contain her excitement anymore she giggled. Lloyd and Godiva didn't have much sleep that night that they woke up with eye bags the next morning. Poor lovers!

Contenders are Training for the VOF Bout. Dunea is with Ericka at Titan Gym and the rink is just on the other side of the place that Emil and Godiva are about to enter the other side of it, talking about the tactics and techniques to use against the Bull Dogs contender.

Lloyd on the other hand bought drinks for Dunea and Ericka as they ran laps on the oval and been running for three now.

Hey, guys, drink this and rest for a bit!, Lloyd called out to the girls to talk about some pointers on the offense and defense of the Moblie Skims attacks.

Hey, Godiva, Ms. What's with you and Sir Lloyd?, Emil asked while he is stretching his arms and legs to start a lap run on the oval.

Ah, what about him?, Godiva trying to hide the fact that Lloyd and her just started dating. I heard him last night calling out your name! Hihi, ma'am, are you together, together?, Lloyd said giving her a wide grin. Nope, it's none of your business and why are you talking while training. Go and get a move on, boi!, Godiva acting like a total bitch to hide the fact that she and Lloyd are indeed together.

Alright, geeeshh….yes, ma'am! But, In truth, you look good together so It's okay, I guess!, Emil said smiling and then ran as fast as he could to start his own lap.

Godiva smiled and when Lloyd looked at her he gave a wave but she ignored him. It's not the right time nor place to do this. She needs to set some rules if they will make their relationship official. It shouldn't hinder their jobs and responsibilities with their fighters. They are here to train and instruct them, not to play house or lovers with each other, while in the competition.

Lloyd we need to talk!, Godiva said when their fighters are on break. What about?, Lloyd said and smiled. We can't be all too sweet and obvious since we need to focus on our fighters well being. We can talk and be all lovey-dovey when we are out of the gym or rink but not in the middle of training or instruction, got it!?, Godiva firmly said. Yup, madame!, I understand!, Lloyd replied and saluted at Godiva like she is his boss. Alright, at ease, soldier, then silently giggled with Lloyd's silly reply. This guy is impossible!