Go-Diva 2

I think I'm in love with my rival and it's okay!, Lloyd whispered and Godiva's cheek flushed.

Hey, boss, what's the matter? Are you feeling okay or sick, your face is all red!, Emil said when he entered the oval and now getting ready to get punches from Godiva in their taek-wando session. Ah it's nothing maybe it's too hot in here that's why!

Oh, it's about 12 degrees cold ma'am, alright maybe you need to rest a bit!, Emil added. No, I'm fine, so are you ready or not?, Godiva said and stood in front of Emil. She is about to charge at him then decide to kick his side but he notices it and avoided the hit. Yes ma'ammm!

Hey Lloyd, what's with you and the terror Go-divaaa!?, Cecilia said with a long stress on the word diva, while Milies is teaching Dunea how to dodge a hit with a sword. Ericka is watching a video on past fights of flighters like Dunea against Freda and hers against Minandro.

Ah, well we came to know each other and now friends!, Lloyd added and ate his salmon mayo wrap while staring at Miles and Dunea's sword fight.

I see, hmm!, Cecilia smiled and held a whisper. Liar! You will go to hell and I think it's fine!

Huh! What? Cecil, are you saying something?, Lloyd said. Cecilia then ran to Ericka and giggled. Kids, what's wrong with her today?, hmp!, Lloyd thought with some mayo left in the side of his mouth.

Godiva saw it when she came over to check on him since bought a drink at the vendo passing the Bulldogs team. She pointed the mayo leftover to him, like she was trying to lick her lips and all. What? Ah….you want a kiss?, Lloyd mimicked that he will kiss her. But Cecil walked up to Lloyd and gave him a tissue. She was saying that you have mayo outside of your mouth and so wipe it or if you're smart just lick it!

Oh, I see, hehe! I thought….ah, eherm! Right!, Lloyd was caught and stood to get a drink. He was so ashamed and didn't want to embarrass Godiva, not again.

Cecilia laughed and told Ericka the news that Lloyd and Godiva are together and all. Ericka couldn't believe it and just closed her mouth using her hands in shock. Really, you think so!?

Aoi and Kaori went to Sky Mall and window shopped. They watched a movie entield DUNE The Sequel (part 1200 or so). I love the smell of malls, here you can see pretty shops and eateries then colorful desugns for clothings, markets and sports goods, etc. I asked Kaori to go to an ice cream shop called Frozen Delights and ordered banana and strawberry shake with real fruits in them. Ahh…this is heaven! With the best sweets and my favorite person in the world what could go wrong this time!, Aoi thougth and just as she was about to thank Kaori for the meal, she overheard a boy laughing with a girl on the other side the cubicle. Oh, my God, he sounded so familiar and yep! When I stood to look at him, this is just my luck, my ex-boyfriend is just around the corner with her new girlfriend the girl she replaced my ass just a couple of months ago! What a perfect time to ruin my awesome day!

Oh, Aoi, my God, you're here, with a friend?, a handsome blonde teen said when he saw me and Kaori at the other cubicle. Jeff, nice to hear from you after a long while, this is Jeff my ex- and whatta you know, he's with my best friend (silent f*ck word), Marie, who is no longer my friend!, Aoi added and so embarrassed to introduce her old friends who seemed to be not anymore. HI, nice to meet both of you! No, I'm Aoi's girlfriend, so that is it! Goodbye!, Kaori cried brushing off the two cochroaches and looked at me proudly smiling, Don't worry about them, if they are true friends they wouldn't have done that to you. Good thing you ahev me now! How's the shake, babe?

Jeff and Marie bowed their heads and walked out of the shop since other customers are looking at them curiously. It's a shame but the truth hurts anyway so it's okay. But not with Aoi, after her old friends left she cried and I consoled her by sitting beside and caressed her back so she won't cry anymore.