Past & Present

Denise you are all that I want and the girl of my dreams! Can you make an exemption, for me please. I'll double your fee?, Eco said. But Denise/Tina knows that if she agrees it might blow her cover so she outrightly declined the offer and changed to her clothes and left Eco still bare and lonely once again.

Denise/Tina felt guilty because Eco is not a bad guy just filthy maybe because he is rich and a bad man. But all in all he treated me right and he can really make a girl fall for him with his romantic gestures and proud suave air. I bet Bela would love him, Tina thought and called Bela. She informed UEE that Bela will be taking her place since she needs to be somewhere else wth another client.

Eco is still standing naked on his mini bar with whiskey on his hand and now crying feeling all the sadness without his Ava. A knock on the door startled him. Eco walked gloomily to open it and saw a bombshell standing in front of him.

Hi, I heard you needed someone to cheer you up. Wow, all ready my handsome devil!? The name is Bela, come here baby boy, awe, stop the crying and make momma moaning now! HIhi!

Eco'e eyes widened as he saw Bela's huge breasts and ass, his eyes got those stars twinkling, blinding him and now he feels happy and erotic inside. Come to mommy!!!!!, Bela shouted and started pumping on top of the amused and still shocked Eco. So lucky, so lucky indeed, hihi!

I am away ahead of Sisi thinking that she will disappear like her husband is doing now. I made sure that she will stay with me if not forever for a long time. I called for Ava and asked for her help and she promised to do so and travel back to earth and come with me to Saturn to wacth Dunea's fight with a G-Force Contender.

About a couple of hours Ava is already at my home's doorstep and now sipping coffee with me. Michelin is at my side and Ava is smiling weirdly but I know she is thinking about me and Sisi and it's been far too long and old that we get to share the bed again after all these years.

I'm so happy for you Vi and it's like when we were in our twenties, hihi!, Ava said and sipped her hot coffee with much gusto while picking a cookie and fruits in an exquisite gold platter I the middle of the table. Thanks for coming and I hope you had a good journey!, I said changing the topic.

What happened to us Violet? We were good friends back in the days but as if you treat me like a stranger after…., Ava almost slipped to say the time with Xerxian but that's the past and Violet doesn't want to bring it back since she has moved on and she forgave everyone including Ava for leaving her at the laboratory when she needed her the most.

I can hear your thoughts remember, I didn't leave you, I was knocked unconscious and was so guilty to let you slip through my protection since I can do it and have killed that monster if not that I have to fight against his soldiers. Vi you loved him and I understood that but why didn't you tell me sooner. I thought I needed to avenge you and it's a good thing you have forgiven him and told Ericka about everything. I was relieved and now want to make amends. Even if…., Ava said and Violety stopped her thus stood to walk to the woman and hold her hand.

It's okay Ava, all is well and I have forgotten about the past so there's no need to explain. I just want to help Sisi and that is all there is about it!, I added and smiled. Ava placed her cup aside and stood to hug Violet. Both women smiled at each other when Michelin gave a grin and cried seeing old friends together as happy as they were in their teens years ago. Michelin is a couple of years older than them but as a, instructor for DOGS, he didn't really imagine that he will become Supreme Leader Violet's Ambassador so it's amazing how we know people and get to be close to them to see their life unfold right before your eyes. Ahh… it is such a beautiful life!

Ava as per Violet's request then went to Gateway Laboratoty to ask Aoi and Kaoiri's help to assess and do experiments on Sisi's condition. It's going tor be a long process but it's worth a try and save lives in Mars or more even in other planets suffering from the same bodyli ailments or defacation as Sisi and others like her.

Andromeda Project is about to commence and the launch will happen on April. It was moved to a further date since Dan wanted to watch the VOF Championship Bout. Everyone is so excited to see who will win in this year's challenge for Hayaka would never back down against a contender.

I love concerts and when I was little I was able to watch Taylor Swift's Era's Tour and many more tours which were uploaded on You tube. My family wanted to see her in person but I think she is old now and since 30.000 A.D.E. is the awakening age of beings and aliens, families are mixed with huerts, ospians, AI's and humanoids. So,a family is now composed of pets such as android and living animals, adroid or living humans, or aliens and it's amazing. I remember how dad and mom excitedly surpised me and my sister and brothers to go to Thailand and watch the holoscreen video of Tay Tay's concert. It was just enough for the five of us and the motel we stayed in in front of the bustling crowds and noise of a Seshuan Market.

 Wow!, I want to go back in time and have fun with my brothers biking in the sun or sulking indoors while playing games or making up stories while we vege out in front of the television. Haa.. those were unforgettable but memorable days I want to bring back but well we all have our own lives to go to and spend our times with now. I usually call them and my parents but they are busy and I just wait for the weekends when I can visit or be with them in the summer or winter seasons, Hayaka said and whe Jon went inside their quarters she placed the Taylor Swift ticket on her diary and the family picture she and her family had when she and her siblings are still little.

 Hey, what are you doing?, Jon said and sat beside Hayaka. Nothing just thinking!