Blue Girl won

About the Bout?, Jon added and gave Hayaka a milk shake since she bought some from the vending machine at the loucge cafeteria at DOGS Academy.

 Oh, no, about my family! I miss them!, Hayaka said. Thanks!

 I miss Mon too!, Jon said and smiled. Let's go out and check on the mall near the park. They just built a new one and it's huge. Come on!

 Mon?, Hayaka said . My mom, you will meet her if our Bout will happen on Zero.

 Oh, I see, okay!, Hayaka replied and walked hand and in hand with Jon out of the room to the mall.

Saturn is cold today. But Titan is still calm yet the air is humid.

The spectators at the Saturn RRink are already shouting and crying for the battle to start but Gail and Polo are doing their make-ups and still preparing for the inrtoductions.

Dunea is a bit nervous but Ericka keeps on motivating her, whispering stuff to calm her down. Lloyd has given his final updates and instructions to Dunea and all is good to go. Dunea walked out of the exit to the stage and moved with her suit to open her Mobile Skims-Julietta's entrance hatch. She is inside the MS and preparing to launch for the bout.

Emil on the other hand was already been prepped by Godiva and adviced techniques to use to defeat the Blue Girl of Bull Dogs. She is confident that Emil has the skills and smarts to win the fight.

Haaa….ohhh….ohhh…., the spectators ar going wild at the rink. Gail appeared in front of the audience and the cameras zoomed in to look at her for the holoscreen TV and Giga net followers. D'Caffe, DOGS Academy, Supreme Leader Violet's ofiice, G-Force Police Academy, Giga Net TV 54, other planets and the whole universe is tuning in to the Bout. All are excited to see their team mate, friend, alumnus or colleague fighting the VOF Bout. 

Said the Fighter's Pledge….ready, set...

Fight!, Gail shouted and Polo moved to say things on TV and Giga Net to entice the fans and followers of the Bout.

Ladies and Gentlemen, now DOGS contender Flighter Dunea is about to move towards G-Force Officer Emil, haa…look at that hit. Dunea kicked the bejesus out our man…haaa…, the crowd went wild, some are betting on Dunea and the others on Emil.

Emil felt the hit since he was just about to move to his left but she saw an opening and it made him dizzy. She is good and strong!

Dunea moved again and now her MS is at his back and about to give him a hand slice but he swerved away and did a roundhouse that made Julietta fly off to the railing.

Dunea groned since it hit her pelvis but she recovered by flying away from the ravaging Emil's MS. Emil ran and then jumped to punch Dunea but the girl since already way up dodged him with a kick on the head. Emil and his MS swirled to the ground. He was just about to stand up but Julietta is already with her sword and piercing it on Emil's MS and its chest. Emil loses and the light turns red on his side, which means that he can't fight anymore and it's over.

Ahhh…..Ericka who is praying hard jusmped for joy. Babe you won!

Dunea couldn't see what's happening but when she took off the sword from Emil's MS' chest she knew it's over, She stood up and helped Emil up to his feet and shook his hand. Emil cried and felt relieved that he didn't have to hurt anyone anymore just to survive the battle. He hugged Julietta and Dunea laughed.

Winner, DOGS Academy, from Bull Dogs Team, Flighter Dunea!, Gail said. The crowd stood up and those who won their bets asked for their monies or golds from the occulator. Occulis are the ones to provide names and numbers fo fighters and who the crowds can bet to and win or lose its their job to give the monies/golds to the occulator to distribute the win to the designated spectator or online better. 

Aha….good workd Dunea, now rest and to all dinners on me, Lloyd said happily and looked at the right side of the rink if Godiva is okay. She looked at him and had a smirk on her lips, so they're okay. Lloyd waved and Godiva gave a peace sign.

Emil is brought to the clinic since he was complaining about a head ache and Godiva saw a bruise on his head and nape so they needed to be medicated immediately. You did well Emil and I'm proud of you!, Godiva said smiing. Emil felt emotional and now sobbing since he failed to win the bout. Don't worry, there is still next time, now you need to tend to your wounds and I'm glad that you just have to endure minor injuries. Let's eat with the DOGS team for dinner later, are you okay with that? We are fighters and this event is just a game and not a personal grudge to get so worked-up with! Are you in?, Godiva asked.

Yes ma'am!, Emil added and smiled back drying off his tears of disappointment.

Yeaheyyy!, that's our Dunea for you!, Lloyd said and while the waitress is handing their beers and prawns, onion rings and 'sisig', the Bull Dogs yelled all together to congratulate Dunea. Ericka, Cecilia and Miles are laughing and now grabbing the food on the table like hungry vultures. Hey….stop that let Dunea eat first and yes, my dear, give us a speech…speech…speech!, Lloyd and the others said.

Haa….well, thanks for the support guys and I love you! Yeheyy to me for winning!, Dunea said blatanly. Ericka smiled and shouted that Dunea should sing for them. As the team is having fun, Godiva and Emil came in to join them. Welcome Ms. Godiva and Emil our new friend. Congratulations for surviving Dunea's fangs hihi!, Miles said and Emil smiled back hitting Miles on the shoulder.