Blue Girl won 2

Godiva sat beside Lloyd who gave her a glass of beer and some prans and onion rings. Eat babe, I know you were hungry with the battle and how it went. Thanks for coming!, Lloyd said and held Godiva's hand and when the others saw it. Godiva took her hand off Lloyd and all giggled like it's forbidden or something. Don't worry Ms., we accept you beign together with our master flighter. He is a good man and he deserves a wonderful woman like you, ma'am! I never liked you since you were that terror with us but to think that I got to be qualified for the championshiop bout is great. I thank you for the rigorous training and patience, master, head officer Godiva!, Cecilia reiterated.

All bowed to pay their respects to the woman and Godiva smirked but felt emotional that she got teary-eyed. Thank you guys! That is so sweet!

Alright, now it's time to partyyyyyy!!!! Chugs, chugs, chugs…hehehe!, Miles shouted and all laughed with his drunken rampage.

Dunea sang an old song from Aurea about Resettas and Miles sang Ocean Deep which made Cecilia vomit from too much beer. Emil is laughing how Bull Dogs are getting wild. Godiva and Lloyd just smiled and went out of the karaoke bar to talk under the half-moon lit sky.

How did you find the fight? Congrats in winning it. Dunea is an exemplary fighter!, Godiva said sitting on the bench outside the bar.

 Well, she is the Blue Girl and has powers that even I can't really identify. Haha, but she is a hardworker and even if an ospian she is indeed unique but humble!, Lloyd added.

 Yes, she is. I think all of your flighters are special. I love them since I can see how their supervisor handles and cares for them!, Godiva replied smiling at the man.

 Thanks, we always make sure that our fighters are well taken cared of and safe. I belive G-Force Academy is the best police force in the universe! So no doubt you and you're team is remarkable too, Lloyd boasted.

 Thanks, aahaha!, Godiva said and looked at the sky. How peaceful, the moon is so pretty tonight!, Godiva said.

Yes, always..!, Lloyd replied looking at Godiva and not the moon. So pretty that I can't resist doing this!, Lloyd added and kissed Godiva on the lips after saying the words.

 Tsup!, Hihi!, Godiva whispered and kissed Lloyd back under the half-moon lit pretty sky.

 Dunea won against Emil and now since Victor of Fire Bout finals has began, the following contenders for championship are as follows: Cecilia, Dunea, Ericka of Bull Dogs Team, Johanna of Eagles, International Flyers, and Hayaka of Hawks, G-Force Police. Not a single male contender survived that women dominated the battle. Now we will see how these girls fight for the Championship Bout at the Victor of Fire Challenge. Will Hayaka, the former champion for two years would maintain her status as Champion or a contender more powerful and smarter than her can snatch the throne from her, we will fin out in the next Victor of Fire Bout. So stay tuned fighters!, one announcer/ reporter from Giga TV 54 said while people, friend and spectators from all over the universe listen, watch or tune in to know what will happen next. Since Dunea won the Bout, she was asked to choose the location of the fight for the championship match.

Ding!, the light turned on to Zero! Then, we will have the championship Bout at Ground Zero Rink. See you all there!, Polo read excitedly for VOF Bout Updates on TV, Giga net and online applications all over the universe.

Mon, I will fight till death just to win the championship, for you and dad! I love you!, Jon thought while five of them along with Ericka, Dunea, Cecilia and Hayaka are on stage being congratulated and presented as the contenders for the Championship Fight on Sunday. Hayaka, though the champion for the last two years needed to enter as a contender to play fair for the others. Hayak agreed to fight like any other figher since she is the G-Force Police's representative as well as Emil. But since Emil was defeated G-Force needs a flag bearer and what more can the organization ask for than a Champion and Great Fighter, Hayaka to represent them.

Now, all are invited to have a party and drinking spree with the heads, officials and guests of the VOF Bout Championship League and Challenge. All except Governor Pache are present, she is busy with her girlfriend now and are vacationing in Uranus for their anniversary. Has it been that long and is it their 5th or 8th year of sweet and sour relationship but still going strong I might say!, Violet thought and remembered how Governor Pache massaged her that night which the awesome memory still lingered like exquisite wine to her taste. Then, Sisi bumped her shoulder and fell back to earth to find she is with her long lost love after all, and it's better than wine because it's strawberry season for her now and maybe forever.

 Violet is so proud of her daughter Ericka and DOGS Academy Flighters to bear the flag of her alma mater. It's amazing and kind of nostalgic for I remember the time when I was the one standting at my daughter's place receiving an award as an outstanding Ambassador and then the position as Supreme Leader of the Universe. How fascinating that time flies fast and now I'm here with my loves and my people celebrating something special to all of us. Victor of Fire Bout is not just a game or a useless match but a celebration of bravery, artistry and mastery, proudly showing off a fighter's knowledge, skill and ability in danger or war and how he or she maintains composure, calm, in the midst of struggles, pains and 

and moreover, in the face of his or her friends death and his or her own death in the battlefield.

 Do you think our life is a practice, no, it's the real thing and there is no training or repeat once we are set off to fight our own battles in the warzone. That zone and enemy is our own self. Our surroundings and the people we meet or encounter are our allies or fiends but still it always comes back to us, our self, how we manage and survive the tests of time, world and universe. How will you do it? Do you run from your destiny or face it like a real woman, man of faith, courage and greatness? Which way you prefer facing your fears, demons or pains, you need to remember that you are beautiful, capable, able and unique. There is only one you and the role you play can never be played by anybody else, so make it good, no, master it, master you and be greater than what you expected of you. The universe can give more and make you more than what you expect from yourself and that is the magic, miracle of God and his creations. You are that wonderful gift, so use it, use you to spread that goodness, light, fun, passion, sweetness, desire, spice, sexiness, love, etc!