Fallens 2

Seriously!?, Man!, these Fallen are so huge and hedious I don't think I can sleep later tonight without having nightmares!, Slash said when he ran towards athe creature who was about to grab a kid away from her mother stuck in one of the toy booth in the park.

 Why do these creatures like parks and all?, Mirel said and ran to help Slash as he shot one sleeping bullet to another Fallen. I think They love people so much they want to feast on their flesh and all that!, Slash said while running with his Mobile Skims and Mirel is trying to check, r let's just say figuring out, her own functioning systems. Wow! I guess I'l get the hang of walking around using Skims and having fun with it while fighting monsters, hihi!

 Mirel look out!, Jax shouted and shot two bullets to another Fallen who is about to bite her arm that could have make her lose consciousness. Fallens are creatures that Aoi and Kaori identifies as fallen angels or demons of the underworld who are hungry for souls and flesh since been locked up under the dark and damp earth near its core for thousands of centuries due to Angels imprisoned them so they won't hurt or ill humans. Yet it was totally different when the Pandemic came in year 2019, which made a totally weirda and scary outcome pertaining to hungry nighcrawlers and demons (dark monsters/spirits) then. And now they are coming back to avenge the deaths of their fellow creatures. However, it was never our intention to kill the Fallen we caught but to study and learn about the root cause of why they need to wake and kill after several centuries or years and it's a pattern that scientists and learned like us still try to figure out but still couldn't.

 I hated you since you broke Lloyd's heart but since Slash loves you this much that he risks his own life to protect you, you're forgiven!, Jax added while cut a Fallen's arm using her light saber. F*ck, Menace!, they are all over the place. Secure the barricades and call for back up!, Jax said and motined Slash, Mirel and other Flighters to run for cover.

 Menace called DOGS Center for back up Flighters who responded quickly and after five minutes the soldiers came with their Robo and Mobile Skims flying, running and firing at high range to fight against the Fallens who are now about twenty or more. They are multiplying like bacterias but one flighter would fire sleeping bullets or cut arms or heads if needed since some Fallens get violent and eat their preys. Flighters are cautioned to move fast but carefully since the Fallens are smart and can turn invisible or like spirits that melt or blend with their surroundings that it's hard to capture or shoot them up front.

 Civilian huerts, ospians and AI's are assisted to get away from the scene by other Flighters and seek shelter or hide through the bushes, trees or the booths or stalls installed in the park.

 What ar we going to do with these monsters, Jax, I don't think I can hold them any longer!, Slash said and Mirel still holding on a long metal pole to barricade the entrance of the park.

 Okay, let it go. The back-ups here! One, two, three, run!, Jax said and all Flighters moved all together then secured the center part of the park with nets to capture the Fallens which they guided to move to the center so they can be compressed in the force field powered nets.

 Now!, Jax shouted and the Flighters who are ordered to throw huge canister-like containers to each Fallen which are twenty-five in total. The cans will then squeeze their bodies inside so they won't be able to move or walk further. One by one the Fallens fell to the ground and the problem to stop them is solved. When all Fallens are captured, all Flighters gave a sigh of relief and clean-up crew (Cleaners) came to carry the huge creatures which they placed on ten or twelve wheeler trucks back to Gateway Lab near Tullahan.

 Thank you guys! Now move and get back to base!, Jax said and all twenty-five Flighters moved fast then disappeared in the dead of night. It's almost six in the evening and the students who locked themselves inside the camper are sleeping when Menace came in to check on them. Slash and Mirel cheked on the casualties and thanked God that it's just one, a poor doggie that will never see his owner again forever. Mirel is consoling the woman who owns Fluffy but Jax is shaking her head that this has been a weird but exciting night for all of them. It's the last day for the students Boot Camp and she is exhausted that she just smiled and tapped Menace's shoulder to tell him that she is beat and needs rest.

 Alright, let's go home!, Menace told the driver to get a move on and the bus drove away the park. Jax, Menace, Slash and Mirel in their Mobile and Robo Skims flew on lower range to escort the students back to the academy. It's been one hell of a ride, right man!?, Slash said on the receiver!

 Definitely, this is one of those exciting but weird nights at Majarlica. Yet, peace sounds better than chaos!, Menace added.

Always!, Jax whispered and breathed calmly as she swerved her Skims to enter the DOGS Center (Base) where the hatches for the Skims are opening one by one as the flighters Skims enter them. Now that they are nearing the lab and the academy, it feels relieving. I need a long bath!, Jax said and didn't notice that her receiver is turned on.

 Can I join you babe?, Menace said. Ahh….F*ck, really, while the radio's on!, Menace, you di*k!, Jax reacted then turned her radio off, while Slash, Mirel and other flighters hearing the comment on the receiver and at the center, laughed.

 Aoi and Kaori along with other scientists, doctors, are examining the Fallens that DOGS Flighters caught at the park.

 Some of the nightcrawlers and demons have died and suddenly melted away like gel or jellyfishes. It's weird how their skin defecates and maybe this is the cause of Earth's gravity or maybe the cooling effect of the freezers we have in the laboratory.

 We thought we can preserve and keep them alive by placing them in the cold but since some died we immediately placed the creatures on hot chambers and like a miracle the demons lived but became aggressive and hungry. We fed them with flesh animal meat and when they had enough we trried to examine their behaviors and how we can stop them from multiplying. Aoi found out that love heat and demons like these are carnivorous so they need to be in an environment that has animals like in a forests or seas. Aoi and I concluded that these creatures can survive in planet Dox and advised Sir Dan about the oour findings. In oreder to keep and study them, we kept the ones who died and preserved them. The remaining ten who lived were sent to Dox using a CRAWL with some flighters and scientist to assist them while they are deployed and freed to the planet.