Fallens 3

There was a time that we can't send anyone or anything on other planets since we only have earth and we haven't had the power nor intelligence to venture into space. But then the past generations developed rockets to send astronauts to Mars and moon, this opened th door for space exploration that during the course of history, humans were able to know the deeper powers of quantum physics and sophisticated importance of outer space exploration. We along with ospians and AI's now can travel through time, solar system and universe. Today we can even teleport to other dimensions, the past and future. But since Generation Omega is imminent this era, we are highly-intelligent, advanced and technical beings that use wormholes, white and black holes, time warps, time travel, etc. for scientific, culture, economic, political, etc. advancements. And we are earning and developing every time we do this. Why Project Andromeda is still part of our scientific studies, we need to know more about what is at the end of it. Yet, since we already have a digital map of what Big Bang Theory has presented before, we still have a long way to go in knowing and discovering universes, galaxies and planets maybe until forever.

 Huh, it's amazing but with our limited minds and understanding it's tiring and confusing. But I believe that we will find the answers as we create new inventions and discover new ideas to support our theories to make them real, definite and valid.

 Ahh….I need to rest, that journey to Dox made me so tired I can sleep forever!, Kaori said while boarding CRAWL going back to Earth. Aoi is also asleep in the other bed. Kaori stood to look and admire her girlfriend. When she couldn't stop herself from touching the girl's face, she kissed it and hugged the slumbering beauty. Aoi hugged her back and both laid on each others arms until the ship docked Gateway Laboratory. 

 Zero is excited with the upcoming Victor of Fire Bout that will be held in their rink this coming Saturday.

 Families and working sectors of Ground Zero heard or watched Giga TV 54 or updates online about the Bout so many have already booked and bought their tickets for it. Huerts and ospians in Majarlica districts, planets, universe has booked their hotels, motels or inns at Ground Zero that heightened the influx of foreign and local people. The much awaited event created a wild fire that gave the districts of Zero more income and economic push since they are not really reaching their monetary or percentage goals for the past five years.

 Thank God and the Bout for this amazing blessing!, hotel, motel, inn owners and other businesess especially the food establishments, restaurants, stalls, bars, markets, and malls are having a field day today with the news.

 This will change Zero's prestige and income forever. It definitely will, I'm sure of it!, Violet heaing, reading or watching the news spreading about the Bout to happen at Ground Zero. She thought that this is a great opportunity to market and promote Zero's capability for tourism and the simplicity, beauty of farming, fishing, mining life. Violet sighed a little but is smiling when she left the meeting with her mayors and directors from all districts in Majarlica that talked about and organized budgets for their respective local government units.

 I guess we did a great work today, right, Michelin?, Violet asked while walking towards her car.

 Yes, ma'am, not to mention Sisi who messaged me saying that she's waiting for you at her condominium, about an hour ago!, Michelin replied waiting for the supreme leader's decision. Violet nodded, anyway she needs to relax now since she needs to be present at the VOF Championship Bout before Saturday. All contenders and the VOF officials will ride down to Ground Zero on Friday for the Welcoming Party and introductory formalities.

 Haa….yup, I need to relax a bit. I feel anxious today! Let's go to my Sisi, then!, Violet added and smiled. She breathed like she needed to because she has been so busy today ah no… for the last week and it's about time that I have good sex and company. Hihi!

 The condominium I gave Sisi is just a couple of minutes away from USN and DOGS Academy at Sky District and it's a wonderful place to have your rest since you can see the clouds and horizon for free.

 Zero is not only a place where the farming, fishing and mining community resides. I made sure that the citizens who want to live as farmers, fishermen or women, miners or any other earth and mountain jobs can stay at the place. But some fishing, farming or mining folks are living on Air or Sky Level/Ground or Districts. Some even let their children study at DOGS academy and other prominent schools in Ground, Air/Mid or Sky Level since their salaries or income can support their families or children better. They can even send their love ones to international or space schools if they are affluent enough these days. So discrimination in type of living being (huert, ospian, AI, robot or humanoid, organism or beta) color, race, culture, religion, class, gender or occupation no longer exist and everyone is entitled to be better or great in whatever field they choose to take, pursue or grow into.

 Fallens are not monsters or stupid hungry living being-eaters, they have intellect that when Aoi evaluated their genetics, they are smart and almost human. But due to poverty and since living underground for centuries made them uncivilized scavenging for food most of the time, they appeared monstrous to others. But doesn't really make sense and untrue to those who don't know who they really are or their kind. We curse or run away from them, but it shouldn't be the fact. Fallens are once humans or angels in fact, and they were civilized, kind and loving beings until the some religious or political factions imprisoned them under earth's grounds.