Sweet Dreams & Nightmares

It was summer this March but when April came rain started to pour slowly, little by little until the showers became storms. Storms that made our dams and water storages full to the brink. On this era 30.002 A.D.E., we can make it rain by the help of Rembrandt and he is awesome.

 I dreamed of the sun so hot like a place is becoming a desert because of the intense heat. Then I saw people under a ship or maybe submarine drowning in black, sticky liquid that I think is oil. Oil in Majarlica? No way! But how and when did that happen? Anyway, it was just a dream but I think other countries have confirmed it though they didn't say anything about the mineral and gold mine for our country. However, as a supreme leader I know I needed to protect it, my nation's grounds, waters, isles and people. So I did and sent President Koh to Dox and he is still there with his greedy and corrupt friend officials, leaders who are now just like the primitive people of the cave ages. They are living with the dinasaurs and monsters or creatures along with the other Zilos and bacterias/virues we sent and keep on sending from 21st century to 30,000 years and more.

 Though, you are thinking or confused about our age or time? Don't be, since the merging of two galaxies happened, time has slowed down and the ages of people, huerts mostly have decreased. As if when our world, earth ages, the living beings in it years decline to mid. So when a teenager reaches his or her fifteen years, the age gradually increases and as if it becomes leap year where a person ages only after every four years. Cool, huh!

 So, I think that what the Bible says on long life is happening now to future beings like us, you, me and the future children, generation after Alpha which is Omega!, Violet said to herself while checking on her list of AI's controlling Majarlica's rain, air, clouds, bridges, air traffic, etc. or more.

 Haa….it is over the top tiring to check on the files, the list is endless and the univers is so vast, even a huert like me couldn't handle it by myself why I have Michelin, his team and my officials in the government. Ambassadors, Council people, congress and civilian leaders/heads or non-civic/ organizations, local government units are some of my support. Along with UBI, USN, UASA, NASA, G-Force Police, DOGS Academy Flighters and the international, universal soliers, military, astronauts/TOV's (Travellers of Universe) and more.

 It is a unified governing body that doesn't permit and condone dishonesty, corruption and power hungry officials. So, we made sure to place a referendum and law on officials including me that we have our own wealth, our own salaries as officials but we don't touch citizens taxes and these are handled by the ACCO or Account Country Co-op Official (person second to me who has the highsest say on the country especially on economics, budgets and the sovereigns earnings from taxes, payments, profits on businesses and expenditures (imports, exports, trades (foreign, local, international, universal etc.) There are a lot more to discuss about the country's money and riches but well, it is going to be for our next topic! See you again guys on Wednesday! Thank you and good day!, Violet said to her students at DOGS Economics class.

 I didn't know what happened to the VOF Bout welcoming party tonight but tomorrow will be a bomb and can't wait to see Ericka's fight. Huh! Oh sh*t, it's already eleven. Though I slept a couple of hours after I arrived from the party at seven earlier, haa.. I still need to sleep for tomorrow's….., Violet said still checking her emails, on her foldable laptop, while she lays on the bed. Violet wasn't able to check the messages since she already fell asleep.

 Michelin saw the supreme leader on her DGTV camera from the other side of the suite. Tina and Frank are now on break. Frank advised his first class agent to head to her suite to rest and that he will cover for her. She is needed for the Bout more than ever now that the supreme leader will be present at the Dome along with her daughter.