
Tina agreed and tapped the old man's shoulder then walked out of the communicatiosn room to her suite. She is tired but had a wonderful time watching the fighters practice their moves and train using their MS and RoboSkims. Amazing!

 After the championship bout Tina needs to be somewhere. Duke Yuri invited her to Omega planet to stay for a while. He wants to make her pancakes and strawberry milkshake as promised when they parted ways at the party in Saturn, Titan hotel.

 Wow, it's been a two weeks or so huh! Why didn't call or email me?, Yuri said while Tina is on the phone taking his call. She did give her number when the man insisted and she couldn't resist since she likes him after all. She didn't tell him who she really is and maybe she would in time, but now, Tina thought and she would blow her cover as Denise if that happens. It will be, sayonara secret agent Tina or aka 'Doble Dagger' if Yuri breaks her secret and that would jeopardize UBI's mission to proterct and secure the supreme leader and the universe.

 Bela contacted Denise/Tina and told her that Eco loves her so much she is staying in his pad until present. Denise/Tina congratulated the girl and made her promise to take care of the man since he isn't pretty bad but just wanting to be needed and loved, perhaps. Bela promised and thanked Tina, her bestfriend in the agency and as an escort it's seldom that clients really respect and love them for real since they are considered as society's professional prostitutes.

 I can't complain with our pay since it's heaps but still, the respect and value of an escort is always questioned or ddiminished since others think that we are fithy whores and nothing more. But in truth, we only have one or two clients depending on the schedule and the bookings. Yet, we are clean and safe, for we get regular check ups and medical examinations just like regular employees. Though, with us escorts, we need to have extensive physical, psychological, emotional and biological teste to ensure our health and the safety of our clients as well. We are actually called, Angel Escorts, because we are the best of the best women, gay (lgbtq) and men Partners to make your gloomy and bored day/s happy, steamy and exciting.

 Hihi! Anyway! Denise/Tina is a real guardian angel to have given me Mr. Amber as a client. He is a gentle and sweet man. He even asked to make me his girlfriend by buying me dozens of roses and carrying me to the tub to make love to me. Which I agreed since not only that I needed the money but I am sure he will stand by his words for according to Denise he is a gentleman.

 And he is indeed, why I fell in love with him the first time I saw him crying and alone standing at his mini-bar on his pad. That almost broke my heart and broke my (hymen) since as an escort you can choose to go 'all the way' or not. And for a couple of months working in the Elite Escort Agency, I managed to keep my virginity and as a twenty-two year old virgin others didn't believe or even bully me for my hypocrisy. Yet when Eco made love to me and found out the truth, he smiled and kissed me on the forehead to say thank you. He is happy and I saw tears fell on his eyes then he kissed my lips so gently and I felt his pain, relief and joy at the same time. So does this mean he will keep me forever?, Bela thought. Maybe, but I think Eco is sure that I am his for I gave myself to him for a reason, and that is I pitied him and now feeling that he is true about his feelings for me. I can say that I am in love with him, now!.

 I slept like a princess and woke up with breakfast on the bed, a white rose on the side of the glass of orange juice and sweet breads that I don't know what are called. I grew up at the poorest part of Majarlica called Tondo, but it is a beautiful and rich place now. Though, it still has the old and trashy feel/smell since it was a picture of what poverty is in the 21st century. Tondo is now standing as second to Belvedere or any other cities. It is also one of the most richest, cleanest and prettiest city of all time. My family's home is a two-story home with a terrace on the second floor and a small garden in the front lawn. It is a neat and homey place where I always want to spend my single life in. But, since, Eco asked to meet my family in Tondo, which is located in Ground Zero. I thought for a second if it's going to be okay, because I am not rich like him. I asked him several times if he is really sure with his decision to meet my parents. Eco said yes, so I nodded and smiled, agreeing that I will bring him there soon. Eco kissed me on the lips again and pushed me down the bed. After the sex in the tub, now this, he is so hungry (sexually) and it's annoying! But I like him, so it's okay, hihi!, Bela thought and made love to Eco again.

 I hate falling in love and being in love. It's like a hindrance to my goals of becoming the best shooter in the academy or the most decorated instructor for the Flighters Course which I am about to be this season, Belinda thought while relaxing inside her mini-pool inside her bathroom at her condominium. She is staying at the 11th floor and asked Tala or Tay to come there after school for her tests. It's getting crowded in her instructors quarters nowadays since exams are about to happen after the VOF championship bout. Everyone including Eco, Dan, Lena, the people in DOGS Flighters team headed by Lt. Col. Jax, including me and the universe are all excited awaiting the battle of the contenders in the championship bout that will happen on Sunday. Oh, tomorrow is what I meant!, Belinda thought and saw someone on the front door (through her DCTV cameras that are also seen on a small flat holoscreen pasted on the wall in front of her pool). Oh, Tala!, Belinda said. Hang on!