
 All covered in soap and smelling sweet and lemonie under her bathrobe, Belinda opened the door and let Tala in to sit on the living room. Make your self at home! Hold on I'll just change my clothes! Here poke this to watch whatever you like on television. And don't be shy getting refreshments or food on the fridge! Be right back!, Belinda added and she's gone. Tala saw the 50 inches flat screen TV posted on the wall across the sofa she is sitting in. Wow!, this place is so cool and elegant. Colorful flowers on a tall vase on the glass center table with gold trimmings on its sides. The suede sofa can be adjusted to a bed and colored brown. The walls has peach flower wallpapers but not too flashy. So not minding what Belinda said I stayed in the sofa and just admied her living room for about thirty minutes when she walked in and smiled at me. Tay!, why haven't you turned on the TV? Ahh…still shy, huh! Okay I'll get us some drinks, do you like soda? And how about chips and cookies?, Belinda said wearing a sleeveless white top and tight blue jeans. She isn't wearing a bra so I can see her boobies like fresh melons for the taking that I switched my eyes to the TV screen instead of her sexy bod.

Hang on, okay!, Belinda said and head to the kitchen which is not far from the licing room. She has stoves and wide metal table for her cooking maybe. She is into cooking or baking I bet. When Belinda came back she has a platter of chocolate chip cookies and potato chips, then strawberry can sodas. Okay where were we? Ah, yeah, the test papers, can I see them!?, Belinda added. Go on, eat!

 Okay here they are! I visited your office but you weren't there, so I decided to message you to come here instead. Nice home, I love it!, Tala added smiling.

 Thanks, the fruits of my hard labor! Hmm!, congratulations, you passed the exams Eco gave you! We need to celebrate! But this time, we will drink this! It's just 12 percent alcohol so you won't get drunk just a little, hihi!, Belinda cried. Besides I like to have some company. Can you stay for a bit, Tay!?

 Yeah, of course Prof.... ah, Tala said.

 Just Belinda! We're outside of school premises, so we are literally friends, not a student or a teacher!

 Okay, sure!, Tala replied and smiled. This is the most unimaginable experience in my life that I will never forget and it's with my favorite hot instructor Belinda Striker. I may be twelve but my heart is old enough to love someone.

 There have been laws that have been approved in the council and congress such as abolishing fossil fuel use, public use and carrying of guns unless an officer, flighter or soldier (military/universal fighter) and signing a joint agreement of building transport capsules or new aged-vehicles other than railway bullet trains that has been operating for thirty decades now. Since it's been all worn and need changing, we can now not only travel the moon and other planets in the solar system, but other exo-planets, galaxies including the Milky Way and moreover, Andromeda, and maybe others that is near infinity (Milky Way and Andromeda merger), in the future.

 Majarlica built trains too but in the long run, they just made the citizens poorer and their lives harder. So when the past leaders passed laws and acted on them, they ensured that the Majarlicans won't need to worry about commute prices changing or exceeding regular employees pay. Instead, we built transportation units such as flying cars, buses and portals. Since Gateway introduced elevators, escalators, lifts and gliders that lead passenger to just push or tick a button and get to places, rooms, planets, realms that even I didn't know exist. So, when I tried to time travel through the elevator one time, I chose (like a virtual digital calculator but the only difference is that you can choose as many doors up until 1000 or more and get to where you want to go or teleport whenever or wherever you like. I chose number 158, like magic the elevator switched many times though my team and I didn't feel a thing, as if in a matter of seconds we felt a swift shift of time (though we didn't feel dizzy or anything) and place in hundreds, then the sliding door opened and led us to a desert storm which I immediately closed in order to save my team and I from being sucked into the chaos.

 Huh! Now I believe in what they say about 'being careful of what you wish for', Violet thought and held a deep breath. I wanted to try a different floor number but, well after the not so good experience, I immediately changed my mind. But all of a sudden a hand of a man held to the sliding door. With a somewhat peculiar face full of sand, the man has short beard, clothes dating back to 1970's I think (since I love watching old movies) and appeared like he wanted to ride with us, the floor I chose by mistake. He held the door until he was able to open it by force and got in with us inside the elevator as Michelin pulled him to safety and gave me a smug. What?, I added when I didn't help the man get in. I was spooked, I thought he was a zombie or something! (I didn't lie, I really thought he was an alien or monster from another world, realm or dimention).