Win or Lose

But just like what God or the Creator said when he made man and woman in his image and likeness. What it really meant was we already possess the power and ability of a God since we are his creations and made to look and be like him. Man! this hit me real hard, so now why do I feel like I just realized that my powers are natural and that they are already here with me or inside me ever since I was born or even molded inside mama's womb. Haa…so I can do this? Ericka, you are strong and smart! You can do this! Yup!

 Ericka and Jon are now at the rink. Their MS are being prepared to dock the ring thus the fighters boarded their user's lodging post. Since everything is alright, Gail announced the fighters names. Polo appeared flying around the dome to greet the audience and present the fighters that his jet pack flew down slowly in the middle of the rink. Ready, set! Go!!! Fight!!!

 Jon is heated up since Godiva mentioned about their robots new weapon and the system seems alrright to use it for the time being. She hasn't practiced much on firing the secret weapon but maybe later if she's in deep trouble fighting Ericka and her MS called Rome.

 Rome moved from side to side to balance itself and to gauge Jon's robot. But since Jon is still and as if waiting for Ericka to attack, Jon then disappeared and then reappeared in front of Rome punching the robots face. Ericka was caught off guarded but managed to hodl her stance and felt the hit but used it to to swing her right arm from the right to slap Jon and her robot. Jon tried to dodge but it's already too late since Rome hit her already in the cheek and almost fell to the ground but flew up a bit to hold her self from falling.

 Haa…., f*ck that's smart, Ericka, now you made me real mad!, Jon thought and smiled.

 Ericka didn't stop from there, pulled Jon's robot down and continued attacking it from left to right, punching, slicing and hitting Jon's robot again and again until it felt groggy.

 Then Ericka flew above reaching about 100 feet above the ground and gave Jon a slice sole kick on the head thus making Jon and her robot dizzy it fell to the ground flat. Haaa…you witch!, Jon said. But though feeling a bit groggy still, she moved to the right and avoided Rome's foot stomp, one, two, three. Catched it's foot and twisted it then pushed it away from her. Jon stood and Ericka swirled then landed as if kneeling infront of Jon's robot.

 The people in the crowd cheered since it is a great and entertaining fight so far. Ericka and Rome is leading by points and Jon felt the need to control herself and her robot more from this end. She doesn't want to lose, not when her mom and friends are at the audience cheering her up and maybe crying in vain from the looks of it now, she's definitely losing.

 Ahh… no, I won't lose to you!, Jon shouted and flew above Rome at about another 50 feet so she can give a head shot to kick the MS' head which made Rome fall to the ground from the strong impact of the hit. Ahhh….ouch! that hurts!, Ericka said and while standing Jon continued and flew down swiftly to grapple Rome on the ground. Now this is what Ericka was trying to avoid since Jon is a wrestler and Jujitso fighter her robot has a big advantage on the ground than on air. Ericka moved Rome and tried to free herself from Jon's grip but it's already too late and now she is already flat on the ground and can't move. Jon made sure to lock Rome in her grasp and held on to its arms at its back, Jon on top of the MS, which makes harder for it to move. Ericka tried to hit Jon with her legs but since Jon's robot is determined to survive in another minute while gripping Rome's arms and torso, Ericka still tried to loosen the grip but to no avail, time ticked and the light flickered to red on Rome's side. Ericka, Rome lost.